Trick or Oba can win without the other eating the pin, both can come out strong while beating the other guy. This works especially for Oba.HBK has completely butchered and sabotaged Trick's 2nd title reign which should have been a slam dunk. He's literally done Trick no favors and hasnt helped him grow at all as an in-ring performer. And The fuck is the point of putting Eddie Thorpe in this and making this a triple threat? What was the point of the Iron Survivor then?
They clearly don’t want Oba winning so soon. They could have just had Thorpe win the iron survivor they didn’t have to go this convoluted ass route & had ppl excited for trick / ObaTrick or Oba can win without the other eating the pin, both can come out strong while beating the other guy. This works especially for Oba.
They clearly don’t want Oba winning so soon. They could have just had Thorpe win the iron survivor they didn’t have to go this convoluted ass route & had ppl excited for trick / Oba
Yall remember when Eddie Thorpe was a DJ for like a month? What happened with that???
Married man by the way lmaoBook wylin. Lol