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New way forward act being pushed by Democrats

Changes the demographic of a country and drives down wages. Also depending on who is being immigrated bring tax burdens/parasites. That is not debatable. For example we bring in doctors and engineers from Japan. They add to the prosperity of the country. We do not bring in the rice farmers from japan. Meanwhile low or no skilled worker from Mexico or wherever hop the border and will work for pennies on the dollar undermining our workforce. Don’t get me wrong the companies that hire them need to be dealt with and severely punished. But in the meanwhile I’m not going to enable folk to break our laws to get in, maybe if commit felonies here (imagine that people with no skilled work who break laws start to break more laws in your country) and then receive more benefits than the average folk. If you’re a proud black man why would you want to bring in people here illegally to then challenge you and your family in the workforce. Break laws and receive benefits over you and all this is on your dime. At a point you’re just nodding yes to what ever Democrat’s say because you believe you’re sticking it to white supremacy. As though the majority of illegals are Hispanic and gives a fuck about you

Immigrants commit few crimes than natives, that's a fact. Is there a particular crime immigrants in the States commit over and over? Enterin' the country doesn't count.

Immigrants receivin' benefits over natives does not happen. Maybe you could find outlier cases but seriously thats something all anti immigrant pepe say and it's just not true.

Again, whats 'illegal' immigration can change at the drop of a hat.

No, its not that I believe Dems are stickin' it to white supremacy its that there is no statistical or policy reason to be anti immigrant. They are net contributers to the economy, like I said before they commit fewer crimes, they do nuff trash jobs that wouldnt be filled without them.

Do I think murderers, rapists and bangers should be allowed into the country? No, I don't. But thats not what this bill does.

People let the word criminal do too much to them. Like I said, you a criminal if you're caught bunkin' the train, if you're super late on repayments, if you didn't do anything at all but are found guilty regardless.
Your logic baffles me. You enter a nation illegally that has laws stating it’s a crime. But it’s not crime cause reasons. Lol like are laws even real. people will be allowed to enter the country without their background be checked. So potential murderers and thieves will enter the country. Be caught then not deported. But yet I have to have my background check to purchase a firearm to protect myself. Natives commit more crime than immigrants? Can you provide support for this claim. Make sure it takes population difference to account. Cause anyone with a brain knows a population of 500,000 has more opportunities to commit a crime than a population to 100,000. That’s why people are more weary of walking by themselves of west side Chicago than all fucking Seattle. And no not all immigrants are net contribution to the economy. This goes back to my previous statement of us bringing in Japanese doctors and scientists. Those are positive contributions. Low or no skilled workers that make $5 hr doing manual labor for his family of 4 then has to receive welfare are not. Once I find the labor statistics chart I’ll post it. And stop the meme they do jobs that others wont. No they do the jobs at the pay other people won’t. This is the chess they are playing. You increase the work force companies can charge the bare minimum cause someone will take it. And now if a corporation giving a person $5hr to work they dont have to worry about them being deported either. Also illegal vote democratic for free stuff. So the plan is to bring in more people that vote blue than reds can naturally reproduce