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New lawsuit claims Skittles 'are unfit for human consumption' due to the presence of chemical toxin the company has said it would stop using

Just working too much for no real good reason.

How are you? Did I read covid was kicking your ass?
I’m a bit better. Yea the first three days I was COVID’s b. Temp high and body aches like I’m not as young as I thought I wanted to act like. But I’m getting better now. Thanks for asking. And you? How’s the family?
I’m a bit better. Yea the first three days I was COVID’s b. Temp high and body aches like I’m not as young as I thought I wanted to act like. But I’m getting better now. Thanks for asking. And you? How’s the family?
Yeah covid is a pretty weird virus. Glad you're doing better tho.

The fams? I see them a couple hours a day and the rest of the time I'm at work, sleeping or having my mind time. So uhh, they're good I guess? Except the fact they don't like the 2hrs a day thing. But they're adults now so I'm not sure how to navigate that 😖
this is some sad shit make u question everthing. what else are u eating that toxic for ur health
everything might as well be. I try not to concern myself too much with that but i done eliminated plenty of foods with questionable nonsense and ingredients from my diet though. It’s not only the questionable ingredients listed on the package but who knows the ones being left OFF the package intentionally, that’s in the product but they not labeling?
What are we supposed to do? We have to eat…can’t just stop eating all a sudden. I just try to eat balanced and wholesome best I can, and Eat towards God with each meal giving thanks and say a blessing before every single thing you consume and keep it moving. Lol.
genuinely can't remember the last time I ever ate skittles... or any candy for that matter. Skittles was an OG favorite of mine from the late 70's, before they put an "s" on 'em.
So have they been using it all this time and said in 2016 that they'd stop and didn't? Or was this a newish ingredient that they said they'd stop using in 2016 and didn't?