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NBC has a new policy for it's staff on how to hug someone.

Why u hugging people not your fam that you deal with on the daily anyway
I hug my female co workers sometimes
The real cool ones can even get a smack on the ass.

Matts problem is he was a creep. Some co workers can be mad handsy they just know who to do it with
The problem with sexual harassment/sexual assualt is the fact that NO-ONE can draw the line where it begins and ends.
There are valid and definitive cases of sexual harassment and sexual assault.
But it seems as if we are moving in a direction of complete separation between sexes. Ion like that but you know what I understand.
Leave these chicks alone when you're at work, don't risk being accused of anything.

One of my home boys was messing with this insecure, ratchet acting bop that he was working with. Nigga started staying with her. They fell out, then the nigga started saying "I know I'm going to see girl at work. Mannn!!!! I don't even wanna go to work". I'm looking like "dumb mofo told you to not eat where you sh** at" smh. A couple of weeks later, he ended up leaving the job
i aint ugly so i cant relate

i get all the hugs
Sharing taxis would actually be more safer so it's dumb as hell not to allow that. And the vegan shit don't make sense. You don't "take" people anywhere. They choose to go or not. Take normally refers to paying. Are they saying you can't pay for food for someone who chooses not to generally eat?. The hug shits bananas. Why not just have a no contact rule?


Fuck THAT. Curve ALL them hoes.