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Name something you've had an eye opening/realization moment about...


Cracka free since 2009; Strictly Business 🫱🏿‍🫲
Site Administrator
Realized a while ago that an overwhelming majority of people will never meet their soulmate.
no two people will ever go to each other's funerals
if everybody you run into all day long is an asshole....at some point you gotta consider maybe you're the asshole
maybe i shouldnt have made this thread
no body cares about what happens to you as much as you.......
nah, my mama cares more
she cares about YOU... she doesn't really give a fuck about the shit that pisses u off throughout the day...

you could be literally losing your shit about something.. and she'll try to comfort you because she's worried about your emotional health...

but whatever it is directly you're mad about.... ur direct problem....that's the least of her immediate concerns.. but while you're venting it's the most important thing in the world....and she may listen and try to walk you through it...

but she doesn't care as much about your issues as you do......

it's just human nature....levels of empathy
so yea, i'm at the age where some of my peers have kids in highschool...and the standard for graduation these days is low as fuck....

they really don't care if these kids cant even read or do basic math... they keep lowering the standards for them to graduate.....

makes u think.....

is there an ulterior motive? why does no one give a fuck about inner city youth being less and less intelligent in order to get a highschool diploma.

then i was watching the news as our mayor signed an agreement to being another warehouse to the city, that would offer thousands more jobs....

then i started putting shit together....

who gonna work in them factories??...why anybody with a high school diploma....

but shouldn't kids right after highschool try to go to college??

not when they dumb as fuck.....they be best to get a job by whoever hiring....

enter the factories....

it's like one way or another... they gonna find a way to make us work their fields bruh.....

and then you know what the debate is?

workable wage...minimum wage...

why you think that shit suchk a big deal???


cuz niggaz are literally arguing on how much the have to pay these new field workers by federal law!

like everybody knows whassup...they know slavery was bad, but we gotta find a way to clean it up....

put niggaz in fucked up living conditions...send them to fucked up schools systems... let them graduate with below the bare minimum, and then pay them as little as possible....while targeting damn near every marketing campaign to their demographic to take advantage of their over value on consumer items.....

shit's crazy
Becoming a team lead and sitting in on management meeting and hearing how they talk about workers beneath them in the chain of command.

Not just shit talking, that's to be expected. But literally laughing at legitimate concerns raised by employees. Talking about them with disdain like they were a burden and not at all an asset.

Then watching those same people hold all employee meetings and tell those same employees that they are valued and their concerns are heard and being worked on.

:ainttrippin:Relalized right there management wasn't for me. Where I come from u just can't be cool huddled up to snakes like that.