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Naked Singularity

Apocalypse Never !!

PRAISE: John Boyega is instantly likeable in this movie about
He's that everyman fighting for what he thinks is right that finds himself pulled in several directions
The rest of the cast is also highly likeable including : John Boyega as Casi · Olivia Cooke (cute as ever) as Lea · Bill Skarsgård as Dane · Ed Skrein as Craig · Linda Lavin as Cymbeline and Tim Blake Nelson as Angus Director and writer
Chase Palmer and David Matthews
combine different elements that really worked for the most part,and the tension and chemistry between the characters is great.
I actually felt for the characters and the goals they were trying to reach and there's enough suspense that made me wonder if they would actually reach their goals.

PROBLEMS: One added element to the film was a real head scratcher for me and it's this odd pre Apocalyptic atmosphere that included a countdown that never really fits or works. I kept wondering did they add this just to make the movie long enough so it could be sold as a film?
It just wasn't necessary in my opinion because it's a pretty good film without it.

Scale of 1 to 10 a 7½