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More than 50,000 Americans died by suicide in 2023, most on record

People can’t deal with the reality of lies

It's largely social media. Millennials and GenZ trying to keep up with the lies presented to them by social media. I told y'all about a convo I had with my middle daughter where she came to me talmbout how she felt like a failure because she hadn't achieved anything or made all this money and whatnot... She was 23 at the time. From her POV, social media is real and the shit she sees on it is reality. I had to do some serious explaining about it, reminding her that most folks her age were more than likely in college, and most of them will never reach the heights that scial media claims people her age are attaining. Sure a few "made it", but that ain't new 'cause musicians and actors been making it by that age for decades. But it's the unrealistic idea that the majority of people her age is doing it big is what's really fucking with GenZ and Millennials. That's the big lie.
It’s tough out here bruh.

There’s so much stuff that I was excited to do prior to 2020 that I now feel indifferent about in general. I’ve been faced with having to reassess how I value a lot of things. I’m finding Faith, family, and true friendship are still stacked high on the price list. Still worth it. I got less room for nonsense than I had yesterday. Less time for social media. More time for meditating on things of God. More time for walks. Making the best use of the time we given, being productive and fighting my best fight to live in a way that reach upward and hold Heaven’s attention. Then it’s like all of a sudden depression has no place to rest in this house, and so it goes away.

Idk man. Suicide can come in different forms too. Some people may be involved in the long drawn out version. My message is, when you reach the end of your rope, look up. Then turn in that direction with every fiber of your being.
This shit aint no joke.

We had to take my sister in law into a hospital cause she was having really bad suicidal thoughts. They ended up comitting her into a house for a week.

They worked with her and released her in a week, but she had to join a program.

She was calling my wife daily and crying on the phone due to anxiety.

Luckily shes much better now but sometimes still has down days. No suicidal thoughts though.

I say all this to say this shit is real and no joke.

We need to stop trying to break this down as this person was feeling this or not. These are chemical inblances in the brain. It has nothing to do with a person weak, strong, or what that person is going through.

In my sis in law you have a wonderful young adult that has no reason to feel depression or anxiety. She cant even tell you why she feels anxiety when she does. She knows that stuff that are making her feel anxiety are irrational. None of that stops her brain from making her feel so alone at times that she cries to sleep.

Again, we need to take this stuff serious. Its not about being weak or making excuses or if the reason is real or not. If you know anyone in your life going through it, dont brush it off. If you yourself is going through it, dont brush it off.

This shit is real and needs to be taken way more seriously by all us.
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Life sucks and nobody wants to admit that because then the world would fall apart.

Instead we pretend life is better than death and thank our parents and grandparents and great grandparents for putting us in a rat race with nothing but confusion, misunderstandings, suffering and then our eventual demise.

And nobody can tell you what it is all for. And the most common answer isn't satisfactory.



To help people?

How is that gonna comfort someone that is forced into a world that they really have no choice to be in? Forced into a body they don't wanna be in? Forced into a mind they don't wanna be in?

Suicide is a contradictory act like all human actions. It's a revolutionary act of freedom, strength, and acknowledgement while at the same time being an act of cowardice, tiredness and ignorance.

Life don't get better, life just is and suicidal people know that. They know they will have to get up everyday and deal with the same bullshit and get told it's a privilege because it could be worse.

The fact that people gotta compare their situations to someone worse off to make it through the day is all you need to know living sucks lol

Everything we do as a species is a distraction from the fact that human civilization is a ponzi scheme. We know life is bullshit but keep creating more people to perpetuate the fraud because we don't want to live and die for nothing.

I wouldn't wish my worst enemy back to life.

In the meantime, fuck bitches and get money.
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Life sucks and nobody wants to admit that because then the world would fall apart.

Instead we pretend life is better than death and thank our parents and grandparents and great grandparents for putting us in a rat race with nothing but confusion, misunderstandings, suffering and then our eventual demise.

And nobody can tell you what it is all for. And the most common answer isn't satisfactory.



To help people?

How is that gonna comfort someone that is forced into a world that they really have no choice to be in? Forced into a body they don't wanna be in? Forced into a mind they don't wanna be in?
Nah man, I mean, yea there's some circumstances in life where death would be the preferred choice, but as an objective rule life has a fundamentally high value associated with it that goes beyond physics, and will always be something to be thankful for having. There's something to be gained by being here regardless of the risk otherwise we wouldn't exist much less bother doing anything in the first place. And if you want a clue as to what it is to be gained ultimately, I will flat out tell you when all is said and done God is going to pluck every soul that ever set foot in this world, who did what they was supposed to do while here, and bring them into eternity where suffering and death isn't even a thing. This the proving grounds. I realize everyone doesn't read the Bible, but I highly recommend it...this question you ask has already been pondered and answered many times over by wise teachers, philosophers, prophets, kings etc. The truth is here, it's not too hard to find. Faith is real. But people stay drinking from the cup of half-truths to the point of no return.
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On one hand, I get it. Mental health is finally being taken seriously and should be explored.

On the other, some of these folk out here are simply weak-minded. The idea that someone would end themselves over being called “fat” is just wild to me.