Monday Night Raw: 6/10

I watched this entire raw episode

Too much talking.

Meh in ring action if I’m keeping it funky.
I watched this entire raw episode

Too much talking.

Meh in ring action if I’m keeping it funky.

This episode wasnt very good. They kinda just threw a "Whatever Here it is" episode. These shows before the draft be clunkly as hell
liv was never champion before?
stop it lol

Negro how many times Liv been champ compared to Becky?

How many time Nia been champ compared to Becky?

How many times Shayna been champ compared to Becky?

Stop. If this SERIOUSLY was your reaction after watching that...


...then you aint been watching pro wrasslin. Beth...Seth...Charlotte...all 3 relegated to be default champs. Smh.
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