Monday Night Raw: 5/27

Chasing viral moments man. They seemed to wanna outdo the Ricochet / Ospreay match but couldn't get out of 2nd gear.
They used up all their viral moments for Rumble and MITB
Cause they had a straight up wrestling match at SummerSlam lol no crazy spots
Cuz some of them are gonna try too hard to act like the WWE talent droppin "promos" and it's gonna be cringy af.
Eh I get it

But I aint sweating 30 seconds of a UFC fighter doing cross promotion on a 3 hr show…hell even the 2 hr show lol

Seems pretty trivial to be upset about 🤷🏾‍♂️
They've basically been telegraphing it since the rumble lmao

The fact that Becky showed up at the press conference pretty much said it all. So why even have the women's EC match.