Monday Night Raw: 6/17

I've missed the past 3 Raw shows, probably the most I've missed as a fan in a row.
wasn't interested in watching raw tonight. the 20+ year habit got the best of me though
so i decided to turn in and the first thing i see....jinder mahal


god is really testing me

Only reason im watching this shit is cause my niece and brother are in the thunderdome tonight.. I don't even know if ima see them but i said id watch.

I tried to get them to register for the smackdown one but these mfs ONLY watch RAW . I was like bruh yall doing it all wrong....

my niece is 7 tho n she likes what she likes

The internet has been shitting all over this tomato shit

its like aa running joke online now.

the fact that these mfs keep doing it lets you know that RAW creative doesn't pay attention to what people are saying
also i dont get how the ramps getting shorter lead to reigns and ortons entrances getting longer
orton is gonna kill riddle
its only a matter of time

this is gonna be bittersweet af

after tonight idk if we gonna see that turn anytime soon tho

im thinking we might get a heel run from them and then the turn.

I heard that they are planning on keeping them together for a while