My 2 year old got pissed cuz she wanted Beckyfuck charlotte
that is all
He's prolly gender fluidI used to not be able to pick Ricochet and Osprey over eachother but I can now give Spray the tipper because Richochet always sounding like a gay tough guy in his promos.
Bring back the Bludgeon Brothers.Rowan ain't shit without Harper
can't take a guy who look like he 16 seriouslyCarrillo is good in the ring but i can't for the life of me understand why they chose him for this roster push over some of the other guys on the roster.
theres clearly a disconnect there and he isn't gonna get over w/ the fans.
my wife said the same thing at Survivor Series loli swear the bald viking raider dude got white supremacists tattoos