COMMUNITY MK: Ghostface Killah

1 Featured Single

2 Best album collab

3 Track 5 or 9

4. Pick a person whose Featured and drop they best song

5. Song that is a sleeper
1 Featured Single

2 Best album collab

3 Track 5 or 9

4 Pick a person whose Featured and drop they best song

5 Song that is a sleeper

Theme 1
5th - 3
Revolver - 2
Goldie - 1

Theme 2
Revolver - 3
Goldie - 2
5th - 1

Theme 3
Revolver - 3
5th - 2
Goldie - 1

Theme 4
All 3's

Theme 5
Goldie - 3
Revolver - 2
5th - 1

Revolver - 13
Goldie - 10
5th - 10
Matike85 - 3 (Should have used Big Doe Rehab, either way tough going up against 3 classic Ghost albums)
1 Featured Single
3points 5th
2points revolv
1point teddy

2 Best album collab
3points revolve
2points teddy
1point 5th

3 Track 5 or 9
3points teddy
2points matik
1point revolv

4 Pick a person whose Featured and drop they best song
3points 5th
2points teddy
1point matik

5 Song that is a sleeper
3points revolv
2points 5th
1point matik

5th 9
revolv 9
teddy 8
matik 5
Can't go wrong but I fuck with Bulletproof Wallets and Big Doe Rehab the most