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MK Decades: 2010s (Hip Hop) Goldie vs Josh (I messed up Goldie didn't Advance)

Sorry bout the delay:

We back at it in Club Shizknacksss

Josh - 2016

Goldie - 2011

Post (2) songs from your year that you would play when you're in the gym trying to get your work-out on.
(No Radio Singles)​
Could've swore "type of time" was a single, but I'll let that slide lol

So far

Goldie - 1

Josh - 0

(Pending @OhMars vote)

(Moving on)

Post that (1) song from that year that you played over 20 times
(no radio singles)
Make sure it's known and the average Joe/judges can relate to.​
I'll vote,

I gave Chi the 1st round (Swimming Pools wasn't a song to keep me or the crown IMO on the floor) Chi- wins that round

I gave Eye the 2nd round (sound/would have kept me up and could recite the words) Eye- wins the round

For this one, I am leaning towards Goldie selections -

Goldie wins the round
The song is slowed down alil and not the whole song, but it's the best I can find on youtube

Jay-z/Kanye - Murder To Excellence