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MF DOOM's Widow Confirms His Rhyme Book Was Stolen By Ex-Associate


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Reclusive rap legend MF DOOM passed away in October 2020 but his handwritten book of lyrics and rhymes remains with record label exec Eothen “Egon” Alapatt ... at least according to DOOM's widow.

TMZ Hip Hop obtained a statement from DOOM’s widow claiming Alapatt still has her late husband's rhyme book. Jasmine Dumile tells us there have been many unsuccessful attempts to get back the documents, even before DOOM passed.

She adds, "We had hoped after DOOM transitioned Egon would do the right thing and return the books to the family but he has continued to ignore these requests. Unfortunately, Egon is not the only former associate abusing the likeness, art and life's work of DOOM."

Egon owns Now-Again Records, and is a business partner of producer Madlib, DOOM’s renowned collaborator from their 2004 effort "Madvillainy."

However, Jasmine would not specify which "former associate" referring to in her statement -- she said she'll say more when it's "appropriate."

Blackstar rapper Talib Kweli prompted stirred this up last week when he slammed Egon for refusing to return the book in good faith … even after DOOM officiated his wedding in 2012.

Idk why but whenever Talib pops up, I lose interest in a story. Lmaooo. And I use to be a huge fan of his music and still am.

I know this got nothing to do with Talib, but when I scrolled and saw Talib got something to say about it, I lost all interest.

Either way, give Dooms family his rhyme book regardless of why you have it in the first place.
Stealing, especially things like this, is done by ppl that want your soul but are too pussy to kill you.
Stealing, especially things like this, is done by ppl that want your soul but are too pussy to kill you.
