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mary jane, i love her just the same!!!

Race Jones

gangster. grace. alchemy
8A78D9E1-1BDF-4DC7-86FF-BC3E9E501205.gif what age would you allow or be “ok” with your children smoking weed? what age did you start smoking weed? has weed ever affected you negatively? I personally wouldnt want my children smoking until after college (not realistic I know) ? I dont think weed is super bad tbh but back in my day, weed me hella lackadaisical and withdrawn. at like 17 I was getting high almost every day (going thru a bad breakup ?? woooowww my dumbass was really going thru it over a corny ass highschool relationship)

anyways, I just dont want the same for my kids.
teach them right and be realistic. Be real and upfront, your child can tell when you on some bullshit lying and they will lose respect for you and do the opposite of what you would want from them.
Regular weed smoking can cause neurological problems when taken up during childhood and adolescence. I wouldn't want em smoking until young adulthood.

By then they'd be more mature, independent and level headed to let the decision be their own and not pressured by peers.

Ultimately if they wanna do it they'll fuckin do it and u can't do nothing about it. I did sports so staying away from harmful substances came by naturally to me. There are ways for parents to instill discipline and self control within their kids without being lecturing, accusatory and wordy about it.
Don't know. Might be legal all over and regulated like crazy by that time for mine. I think I'd be ok around 16 or something
I was in middle school when I started lol
My parents didn't handle it well so I guess that's the negative part lol
I didn't start smoking until a few years ago. As I sit here and think about it, I'm not really sure what age I would be comfortable with my kids smoking. So I'm gonna think on that shit and then come back.

Weed affects people differently

For me it was almost negatively all the time

Shit is not harmless either as people would like to tell you, not safe to be smoking today's weed regularly at 13
Regular weed smoking can cause neurological problems when taken up during childhood and adolescence. I wouldn't want em smoking until young adulthood.

By then they'd be more mature, independent and level headed to let the decision be their own and not pressured by peers.

Ultimately if they wanna do it they'll fuckin do it and u can't do nothing about it. I did sports so staying away from harmful substances came by naturally to me. There are ways for parents to instill discipline and self control within their kids without being lecturing, accusatory and wordy about it.

tf sports gotta do w/ it?

I mean we was smokin blunts before the game & still ballin lol

Same reason I'm not. There really isn't any such thing as 'weak' weed where we live. Not by other people's standards anyway. For example, I can tell you for a fact that some shit that would be considered reggie here...is prolly pretty close to top shelf on other regions. That gap is definitely closing. But I think overall, you'd be surprised and the difference.
Same reason I'm not. There really isn't any such thing as 'weak' weed where we live. Not by other people's standards anyway. For example, I can tell you for a fact that some shit that would be considered reggie here...is prolly pretty close to top shelf on other regions. That gap is definitely closing. But I think overall, you'd be surprised and the difference.
That's what I'm saying fam lol I don't think a 12 yr old should be experimenting with what we got out now
it's niggas in the league gettin blunted, so what



U sound ignorant asf.
There also niggas in the league out partying all hours of the night during playoffs. Doesn't mean I gotta go making excuses for them.

I was principled enough to do everything, even the most subtle of things, conducive to success in my sport. Taking drugs, partying and the like doesn't compute with that. Got it.

Besides, I did track n field. In a power-strength sport that relies on supreme physical and mental conditioning you can't excuse lapses of judgement in healthy living. When the difference between making the podium or not could be mere 100ths of a second, u prioritize.

Ball players don't have to be in absolute tip top shape to be good, they have their skill to fall back on.
U sound ignorant asf.
There also niggas in the league out partying all hours of the night during playoffs. Doesn't mean I gotta go making excuses for them.

I was principled enough to do everything, even the most subtle of things, conducive to success in my sport. Taking drugs, partying and the like doesn't compute with that. Got it.

Besides, I did track n field. In a power-strength sport that relies on supreme physical and mental conditioning you can't excuse lapses of judgement in healthy living. When the difference between making the podium or not could be mere 100ths of a second, u prioritize.

Ball players don't have to be in absolute tip top shape to be good, they have their skill to fall back on.

wouldn't you say an olympic swimmer, such as a Michael Phelps, would need to have surpreme physical conditioning?

& that boy was rippin the bong while rackin up gold medals

tf sports gotta do w/ it?

if you scared, say you scared

wouldn't you say an olympic swimmer, such as a Michael Phelps, would need to have surpreme physical conditioning?

& that boy was rippin the bong rackin up gold medals

tf sports gotta do w/ it?

if you scared, say you scared


There's a difference between being risk averse and being scared.

But anyway, nice strawman argument.. U can name all the examples u want, at the end of the day smoking is detrimental, not advantageous to performance. Phelps excelling was despite it, not because of it. and I'd wager most athletes in Olympic sports don't smoke. non chronic smoking (like once per week) might not be harmful, but "might" still represents an uncertainty. I don't deal in uncertainties so I eliminated risks.

It's the same concept as athletes avoiding junk food. The rationale is not putting poison in our bodies. It's healthy living. Why engulf my lungs with chemicals and carcinogens when I need lung capacity for workouts? It's not worth it. This might be hard to understand if you weren't an athlete. Weekend warrior b ball at the local gym doesn't count.
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View attachment 477296what age would you allow or be “ok” with your children smoking weed? what age did you start smoking weed? has weed ever affected you negatively? I personally wouldnt want my children smoking until after college (not realistic I know) ? I dont think weed is super bad tbh but back in my day, weed me hella lackadaisical and withdrawn. at like 17 I was getting high almost every day (going thru a bad breakup ?? woooowww my dumbass was really going thru it over a corny ass highschool relationship)

anyways, I just dont want the same for my kids.

17 or 18