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Added to Calendar: 07-26-24


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Probably for the better Deadpool 2 was getting a little stale at times
While i do agree a bit, I think a lot of that was because we were so "Wowed" by the first Deadpool. Similar to Avengers and Avengers Age of Ultron. Same team and Avengers Age of Ultron wasnt by any means a BAD movie, but we lost that magic of seeing all of it on screen for the first time. Definitely had highlights though. Im probably doing horrible at explaining what im trying to articulate but hopefully you have an idea of what i mean haha.

I do also agree with you though that Deadpool 2 did get a bit stale in parts. So maybe you're right, a change of writers might breathe some new life into it. My main concern is being with a different team, maybe that means Marvel Studios is trying to tone the franchise down as theres been rumors back and forth since the purchase that disney wants it toned down, but then rumors will pop up that they want deadpool to continue as is.
While i do agree a bit, I think a lot of that was because we were so "Wowed" by the first Deadpool. Similar to Avengers and Avengers Age of Ultron. Same team and Avengers Age of Ultron wasnt by any means a BAD movie, but we lost that magic of seeing all of it on screen for the first time. Definitely had highlights though. Im probably doing horrible at explaining what im trying to articulate but hopefully you have an idea of what i mean haha.

I do also agree with you though that Deadpool 2 did get a bit stale in parts. So maybe you're right, a change of writers might breathe some new life into it. My main concern is being with a different team, maybe that means Marvel Studios is trying to tone the franchise down as theres been rumors back and forth since the purchase that disney wants it toned down, but then rumors will pop up that they want deadpool to continue as is.
I think a toned down Deadpool will flop because the character has never naturally been toned down really. He's always over the top. They will probably pair him with Cable who balances out all the wacky shit. They have some comics that they borrow ideas from as well
This is always the issue with deadpools character though.

Hes always good in small doses.

Seeing him for the first time in a movie was always gonna be dope.

In movie 2, you start getting tired of him

After movie 3, you done.

Hes like that in the comics too. Atleast to me. Get tired of the constant jokes 3 chapters in.

And im in no way a comic head. Just read a few chapters now and again.
70% is a lot.
It does need to be balanced out with more serious shit though. The comedy is supposed work work as a contrast to the severity of his circumstances. I didn't hate Deadpool 2 as much as everyone else did though.
I know 70 is a lot but with the first two how many jokes do you need in the third? I felt like 2 was watching a comedy but they were fighting in it. Which is why I said it felt like kick ass

I just think it could be more serious as a slight change of pace with more of an emphasis on action. I feel like the 2nd was constant jokes back to back with references in between.

if you always have the set up to make a funny I think that’s how you get fatigue and then things become stale. I’m not saying pool can’t be himself but just less frequent
I know 70 is a lot but with the first two how many jokes do you need in the third? I felt like 2 was watching a comedy but they were fighting in it. Which is why I said it felt like kick ass

I just think it could be more serious as a slight change of pace with more of an emphasis on action. I feel like the 2nd was constant jokes back to back with references in between.

if you always have the set up to make a funny I think that’s how you get fatigue and then things become stale. I’m not saying pool can’t be himself but just less frequent
I think the jokes in Deadpool 2 were not as good in 1. But that is his character. That is why he is popular. He Doesnt care for much. 70% is way too much. They can tone down a little but make the jokes better and more natural. Deadpool has his serious moments. But his serious side cant out weigh his care free side. If it does, then you will just have another wolverine but with swords.
I think the jokes in Deadpool 2 were not as good in 1. But that is his character. That is why he is popular. He Doesnt care for much. 70% is way too much. They can tone down a little but make the jokes better and more natural. Deadpool has his serious moments. But his serious side cant out weigh his care free side. If it does, then you will just have another wolverine but with swords.

You say that like it’s a bad thing lol

but I mean you wanna have the same formula 3 movies in a row? That’s why I maybe said raise the stakes just a bit outside of Deadpool so he’s mostly serious

idk why Deadpool still joking the same way but just less would bother you THAT much when you seen it for two movies already. Also the less joke frequency the less of a chance at jokes that aren’t that funny

just my opinion to keep things fresh though

Also Deadpool 2 I stopped caring about the plot which shouldn’t happen
I just need the jokes to be funny and not a buncha old pop culture references and white boy humor