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"WhY Y'all BeInG sO pOsItiVe, aNd NoT MiSeRaBlE LiKe Me"
There's no way Bucky won't be in this film at some point and them fools are bestfriends off camera. The chemistry shows when they are on camera and there's no way Sam won't need backup especially if the Leader is involved. Better believe possible gamma enemies may pop up in this one
MJ RETARD found a new way to talk yet again about men eating dick. Think he struggling to tell us something despite this being a safe place.

Lol, look who had to defend his mans. And low key nigga, you telling on yourself. You skipping over the context and seeing what you wanna see. Ima pray for you.
Lol, look who had to defend his mans. And low key nigga, you telling on yourself. You skipping over the context and seeing what you wanna see. Ima pray for you.

nah Nigga idc for the origin of your quarrels just here to point out your never ending obsession with men giving other men fellatio im sure there’s a Reddit forum for you to share with other down-low bozos parading in public as heteros. You like 45 bro who really needs a prayer :js4:
nah Nigga idc for the origin of your quarrels just here to point out your never ending obsession with men giving other men fellatio im sure there’s a Reddit forum for you to share with other down-low bozos parading in public as heteros. You like 45 bro who really needs a prayer :js4:

lmao. You typed this. You believe this. Nigga you’re sick. When I say stop dick eating in a MCU movie thread. This where your mind goes. Wtf bro.
I dont really utilize the block feature like that but goddamn im heavily considering it.. this shtick aint even vaguely entertaining at this point... shit is just a straight up annoyance now

block me bro. Sorry you niggas get aggy when I throw holy water at your mcu orgies. Mark out in peace, bro. Blessings.