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Man seals wife's privates with superglue after discovering affair


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An evil husband has reportedly sealed his wife’s genitals with superglue after discovering that she was having an affair with at least four other men.

According to local media, Dennis Mumo, from the southern Kenyan county of Kitui, learned of his wife’s alleged indiscretions through her social media messages.

His wife reportedly engaged in multiple in affairs while her husband was away on business, according to reports in numerous local news outlets including the daily Zambian Observer.

Before his last business trip to Rwanda, Mumo sealed his unnamed wife’s lady parts with superglue, according to reports.

News of the incident shocked residents and Mumo has been arrested by the police.

He confessed to the incident and told officers that he did it to save his marriage.

Mumo claimed to have evidence that his wife was having an affair with at least four other men after scouring her sent and received messages, according to reports.
"Evil husband"?! obviously biased article
According to the bible which one is a sin, adultery or arts and craft?

Man gets his penis cut off for cheatin

Woman gets her pussy glued shut for cheatin

Meh...it all evens out
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My first question after I read the title of this thread
So she just sat there and let it happen?