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Lebron James Opens School


Kobe With The Pivot
Site Owner
The path of LeBron James' foundation has, in some ways, mirrored the path of his career.

Always a potential powerhouse because of James' wealth and influence, the operation was somewhat unfocused early on. For example, for several years its major annual event -- a city-wide bike-a-thon for kids in his hometown of Akron, Ohio -- ended up losing money and straining the city's budget.

But as James was finding his footing as a superstar and a leader during his time in Miami, his foundation was doing the same back in Ohio, as it became focused specifically on at-risk children and their education. They've both been on a roll ever since.

The circumstances pointed toward James' life not having a good outcome, on the verge of being lost before he knew where basketball could take him. These are the statistics he's trying to fight with his money and ability to rally huge corporations and schools to a cause.

Over the past four years, as he played again for the Cleveland Cavaliers, James' career became fully mature. It culminated in both the 2016 NBA championship, and this past season, when he played in every game and had one of the best playoff performances in NBA history as he pulled his underdog team to one more Finals appearance.

The same could be said for his foundation, which reaches a milestone more than a decade in the making on Monday when it launches its own school in coordination with the Akron Public Schools. It will eventually draw hundreds of at-risk children, kids who are walking in the same shoes James was in at elementary school age. The new school has a longer school day and a longer school year, and its educators will be tasked with trying to overcome historic disadvantages the attendees face.


If the children follow the program the foundation has worked to mold, James has arranged for them to have free college tuition at the University of Akron. Along the way, the foundation has set up a program to also help the parents earn their high school diplomas and other continuing education.

It's a brave experiment. Instead of disadvantaged children being mainstreamed, James' school will group the at-risk students from across his hometown together to try to streamline the support system. If it works, James and his foundation's leaders dream, it could change the way cities and school systems view these challenges. It could spread to other cities in Ohio that need help. And then, who knows?

Full article; http://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/...-promise-school-foundation-lasting-legacy-nba
I was just reading this...shit is cool as fuck.

This is what you do when you get money.

Kd bitch ass don't even wanna fly to invest.
Not a Lebron fan, but this is dope shit. Props to him for this.

Somewhat Umar is like "That's going to be me one day. I just gotta con another 2 mill out of the people."
Nah you hate on hella niggas...and I do mean niggas

Random hater shit w/o merit

You look funny in the light papi
So you saying I don't give reasons?

So you saying g I'm the only nigga who goes at people?

So I dont say shit about musk or bezos?

So I didn't just give props to lebron?

Who posts up the most in the black excellence thread?

Nah bruh.....you looking funny in the light
Lol at black excellence thread. Nigga fuck that thread

“I hang with blacks all the time”

Moving along...
This is cool. Everybody doesn’t need to do this. Give back in whatever way works for you. Actually this is more than cool based on some of the shit I read about what they’ll offer.

Dos, I’m just saying bro next time you hate on a nigga, let it have merit. How you use this thread to try to put down another nigga who just won a humanitarian award and gave away like 14 mil after taking a pay cut...or just as well, just stop hating on niggas
again...when did i ever hate with merit and why do you think i only hate on niggas(black people i am assuming)?

how can you say fuck the black excellence thread where props is given to black people who is doing something? is it because it negates you argument?

and me saying kd doesnt want to fly to invest his money is a statement he made. thats a whole nother level of lazy outside of his brass ring chasing.
at his level...i just see him as needing to be careful how he does things and what he says...kids are watching.

and i would think you can understand the difference of giving away money and being involved with helping others.
alot of white people gave away money too....does that mean they are not racist? nope, giving money away is a write off.

maybe its the wrong thread and i can take that on the chin.....

but lets not act like the whole world didnt hate meek mill at a time without merit
i hope this inspires alot of others to do this.

these niggas sitting on millions......

i think jalen has a school too

Jalen Rose does have a school and David Robinson has a few schools in Texas. A lot of these athletes including Kevin Durant donate lots of their time and money to charities.

It’s awesome to see these young men and women truly trying to uplift their communities
This is excellent. The part I like most is how he kept with it, even though it was a rocky start, he kept it going and now look at the results.