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Breaking News Latest historical find proves AGAIN that there is no Palestinian history in Ancient Israel!


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Israeli archaeologists find 2,700-year-old 'governor of Jerusalem' seal impression



Israeli archaeologists unveiled on Monday a 2,700-year-old clay seal impression which they said belonged to a biblical governor of Jerusalem.

The artifact, inscribed in an ancient Hebrew script as "belonging to the governor of the city", was likely attached to a shipment or sent as a souvenir on behalf of the governor, the most prominent local position held in Jerusalem at the time, the Israel Antiquities Authority said.

The impression, the size of a small coin, depicts two standing men, facing each other in a mirror-like manner and wearing striped garments reaching down to their knees. It was unearthed near the plaza of Judaism's Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem.

"It supports the Biblical rendering of the existence of a governor of the city in Jerusalem 2,700 years ago," an Antiquities Authority statement quoted excavator Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah as saying.

Governors of Jerusalem, appointed by the king, are mentioned twice in the Bible, in 2 Kings, which refers to Joshua holding the position, and in 2 Chronicles, which mentions Masseiah in the post during the reign of Josiah.

The Antiquities Authority's announcement came several weeks after U.S. President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital, a decision that overturned a decades-old policy on the status of the city and stirred Palestinian protests and international concern.
Stop letting people lie to you! Read the Bible and ask God for wisdom, knowledge, might, counsel, understanding, the fear of the LORD, and His Spirit to help you grasp and apply what the scriptures say!

The land belongs to the children of Israel forever! History proves that Israel occupied the land thousands of years ago. Palestinians on the other hand......

Palestinians been there forever. Just like the Israleis. The Phillistines didnt just die.

Question: "From whom are the modern Palestinians descended?"

Prior to the mid-20th century, the term Palestinian was used as regional term, much like referring to residents of parts of the United States as “Southerners.” This usage dates back to several centuries before Christ. The word Palestinian has its roots in a Hebrew word meaning “Philistine

Until Israel was re-established as a nation in 1948, Palestine was the term for the territory between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. The word Palestinian was applied to anyone living in that area. As one of the longest continually inhabited places on earth, this region has changed political ownership numerous times and has been a nexus of migration for many different cultures. The modern-day “Palestinians” represent a mixture of local inhabitants and many other groups of Muslims brought from Bosnia, the Balkans, and the Caucasus by the Turks in the 16th to 19th centuries; and from the Sudan, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon by the British in the 20th century.

The term Palestinian did not take on its current popular meaning until the mid-20th century. In common use today, the term Palestinian is primarily applied to non-Jewish, Arabic-speaking residents of this region. This usage is highly controversial, however, since for most of human history a “Palestinian” was simply a person born or living in that land. When used in reference only to non-Jews, it implies an historical claim to the territory in opposition to Israel. In reality, the concept of Palestine as a nation-state in opposition to Israel or as a racial group predating the presence of Jewish inhabitants is historically false.

Recent genetic studies have confirmed that the ancestries of Jewish and Arabic inhabitants of Palestine are extremely similar. Geneticists have concluded that the people living in these regions share a common ancestry, through people groups continually living in the Palestine territory. This directly contradicts the claim that certain inhabitants, particularly Jewish inhabitants of Israel, have no ancestral claim to the land. At the same time, there is no evidence suggesting that modern Palestinians are direct descendants of either the Canaanites or the Philistines of the Old Testament. Many Arabs are descendants of Ishmael; but, since the land of Canaan was promised to the sons of Jacob, Arabs have no biblical claim to the land of Palestine.

Regardless of definitions and precise lineage, Palestinians, like all human beings, are ultimately descended from the same original mother and father (Genesis 3:20). Human beings have often forgotten this when constructing cultural, geographic, and political lines. Much of the angst over who should or should not be called a Palestinian, or whether it matters where such a group came from, is based on divisions that forget our common heritage.
What did you think of Trump’s announcement and them wanting to build a Train Station in his name?
This is what religion has done.. it’s sad

If you bless Israel you will be blessed. If you curse Israel you will be cursed.

Seen any Amalekites around lately?
How about Hittites?
or Perizzites?
or Rephaim?
or Amorites?
or Canaanites?
or Girgashites?
or Jebusites?

smh @ black zionists.

God is a zionist. He dwells on Mount Zion in the high and lofty place; way up yonder in the sides of the North!

Equating zionism with modern day propaganda has corrupted the minds of those easily swayed by every wind of doctrine that blows their way.

Getting back to the basics will help the picture come into focus.....but that takes humility.....Amen.
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Defending an apartheid state is a new low.

The evidence presented in this article confirms that the Hebrew people were in the land even before God became a man. The coin that was found was dated to be over 2,700 years old.

Where is the evidence of the "Palestinian" people being in the land 2,700 years ago?

Not there......Amen.
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not well..

1917- the Balfour declaration = British mandate to establish a home in Israel for the Jewish people
1967-The 6 day war = The Jewish people recapturing their ancient capital of Jerusalem
2017- The leading nation of the world publicly backs the Jewish people by affirming that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel.

God said that every 50 years is a Jubilee year when all debts are canceled and all land returns back to it's original owner. Therefore 2017 was another indication that we are in a Jubilee year because of what President Trump did.

There is a whole lot more to this because this Jubilee year also pertains to the 120th Jubilee since creation. Which is directly tied to the days of Noah when God told mankind that his days will be 120 years.

Here are a couple videos if you are interested in the prophetic implications of the Jubilee years:

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If they were hell bent on eradicating the "Palestinians" they would have done it in 1967 or in any of the recent skirmishes. But in reality what happened is that the Jewish people gave the "Palestinians" land that rightfully belonged to the Jews even after they were defeated in the various wars that were fought.

History has shown that to the victors belong the spoils. Thus when people and lands are conquered the land that the defeated were on was taken away, not given back.

Stop letting antisemitism run you. It will be the ruin of you....Look at Pharaoh, Amalek, Goliath, Antichous, Haman, Hitler....etc......
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