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KRS One In The Studio

Big KRS Fan But He Took The Who Edutainment/Temple of Hip-hop Thing Too Far IMO

That And Musically He Fell Off If Were Being Honest
Big KRS Fan But He Took The Who Edutainment/Temple of Hip-hop Thing Too Far IMO

That And Musically He Fell Off If Were Being Honest

Agreed, but if you watch the clip I posted, he can still rap.

I haven't checked for all of his material since he went indie in 1998, but from what I've heard I don't like it.

He's still in my top 10 DOA.
Agreed, but if you watch the clip I posted, he can still rap.

I haven't checked for all of his material since he went indie in 1998, but from what I've heard I don't like it.

He's still in my top 10 DOA.


Since We On The Subject of KRS and your an expert on 80's Hip Hop Expert.

I Have A Question.

I've Always Credited The Blastmaster With Being One Of The First If Not The First Rapper To Switch Flows Or Use Multiple Flows.

Is That Correct Or Did One Of His Peers Or Predecessors Do It Firs