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Justified or Jumped the gun?


Doper Than Coke
Came across this on my feed today. I'm not sure if the dude getting his ass beat has mental issues or not, but if he does I'm sure this will come out. Just don't understand why this was recorded and uploaded. I mean if the person recording felt the nigga channeling "GranDad" was doing what needed to be done why put him out like this with evidence.


I have no idea what transpired before the camera started rolling. If I’m assuming that homie saw the dude walking down the street with his dick hanging out directly in front of a school, and home took his belt off, walked up to him and started wailing away...then he doing too much.
There's a good chance that man may be mentally ill in some way and instead of the guy getting him out of there and finding out what happened he just beat the hell out of someone. Then proceeded to parade on social media about it.
Mentally unstable or not, he don’t walk around like 247, so he at least knows that he shouldn’t. And if he knows he shouldn’t, he at least know he shouldn’t in front of children. I ain’t saying I would beat him senseless

but I mean
He obviously did that shit in front of someone that ain’t me
I'd've just called 911 and keep it moving. Beside the fact that it's not my place to figure out whether he's mentally ill or not, those kids are going to see dicks in life anyway.
Man may have had point to at least approach and address on level of dude really walking around exposed like that. Bit seems a bit extra. Think homie really thàt concerned for the kids? That nigga needed to vent 💯
That kind of stuff triggers something in people and throws their mind into emotion mode. For however much your are in emotions that much out of thinking mind your are. Highly emotional and not much rational thinking going on. I'm sure we all have see it in others and ourselves.

When we are in emotion mode we cannot think rational because we aren't thinking, we're feeling. And feelings arent rational and they cant be reasoned with. The emotions must abate before thinking mind can once again lead. That's why going for a walk is good when in argument and go collect yourself.

I say all that cuz it might just a been a guy whose not right in his mind and his ass just got beat because someone got caught up in their emotions and didn't stop to think first.
I need to hear the whole story before I give an answer

This. Could be a repeat offender. Coulda been doing something even nastier before that person started tapping. We don't know.

I always got time for a white person getting beaten by a black man with a belt tho. Always.