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Just Another Day In Seattle

Before I click, i just wanna point out that the guy that posted this is a conservative grifter, that loves to post the rage bait content for them. Would be on fox screaming about the dangers of ANTIFA & BLM during lockdown. Would go to the protests antagonizing people into doing something to him, film it, edit the clip to make him look like the victim then post it online calling them violent and beg for donations.

He pretends to be a "independent journalist" & this is how he describes himelf, "Veteran independent journalist Jonathan Choe is focused on homelessness, drug addiction, and the mental health crisis ravaging America", but just posts the typical rage bait 'look at this, homelessness/drugs is outa control, look what the left did to this country!!'. I have yet to see any real suggestions, just complaining and the usual 'send in the police to clear them out'. His other favs are how tenants have too many rights and its hurting the poor 'mom & pop' landlords & the migrants taking over.

Jonathan Choe: I've been following far-left extremism in the Pacific Northwest now for the past three and a half years, going all the way back to the Black Lives Matter protests. I wanted to see what the dynamics were gonna be. So I just showed up. And lo and behold, when I showed up to that very first rally, it wasn’t just Arabs, it was a lot of white kids with green hair and purple hair in the crowd. And that’s the group of the sort of socialist, Marxist, communist, far-left activists who have now latched on and aligned to the Palestinian cause.

He says he works for the Discovery Institute, that claims its "The mission of Discovery Institute is to advance a culture of purpose, creativity and innovation. The Institute is a non-profit, non-partisan organization focused on research, education, and public policy." But thats the hard rights new wave of fake non-profits that push their political agendas. These are usually funded mainly by millionaires & billionaire. They purposely name them like this to mislead people, while they push lies and fake studies.

This is what they actually do
"The Discovery Institute (DI) is a politically conservative[2][3][4] think tank that advocates the pseudoscientific concept[5][6][7] of intelligent design (ID). It was founded in 1991[8] in Seattle as a non-profit offshoot of the Hudson Institute.
Its "Teach the Controversy" campaign aims to permit the teaching of anti-evolution, intelligent-design beliefs in United States public high school science courses in place of accepted scientific theories, positing that a scientific controversy exists over these subjects when in fact there is none.

can read about some of it here

and a vid
Before I click, i just wanna point out that the guy that posted this is a conservative grifter, that loves to post the rage bait content for them. Would be on fox screaming about the dangers of ANTIFA & BLM during lockdown. Would go to the protests antagonizing people into doing something to him, film it, edit the clip to make him look like the victim then post it online calling them violent and beg for donations.

He pretends to be a "independent journalist" & this is how he describes himelf, "Veteran independent journalist Jonathan Choe is focused on homelessness, drug addiction, and the mental health crisis ravaging America", but just posts the typical rage bait 'look at this, homelessness/drugs is outa control, look what the left did to this country!!'. I have yet to see any real suggestions, just complaining and the usual 'send in the police to clear them out'. His other favs are how tenants have too many rights and its hurting the poor 'mom & pop' landlords & the migrants taking over.

He says he works for the Discovery Institute, that claims its "The mission of Discovery Institute is to advance a culture of purpose, creativity and innovation. The Institute is a non-profit, non-partisan organization focused on research, education, and public policy." But thats the hard rights new wave of fake non-profits that push their political agendas. These are usually funded mainly by millionaires & billionaire. They purposely name them like this to mislead people, while they push lies and fake studies.

This is what they actually do

can read about some of it here

and a vid

You know what to do @Sony Montana