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It All Makes Sense Now


Who do you think you are? I am
What’s shit that you witnessed or seen as a youngin that peaked your curiosity but you ignored. And found out later it was way more than you assumed it to be..

Like I just said in the cool table,when i was a kid, I didn’t know that the red light in the window meant a chick was open for the night..feel me.

And one time when I was 15 I was in the hood using a pay phone and a fiend came up to me while I was on the phone and asked me if I was on the clock. And i told her I didn’t go to work till 1pm.

When I first moved to Hampton from Norfolk that was when I first saw confederate schools. Anyway first time I saw a step dad get punched in the stomach by a real dad I was in 4th grade. I thought Hampton was some country shit cuz my street ain’t have sidewalk and mad white folks. Two adults fighting in the hallway was some new shit. And nobody believed me
So long ago I went to Chicago to see some friends, went out and had a little too much fun and got a hangover. The next morning I literally rolled out of bed and drove to a gas station down the street to get some crackers and ginger ale. On my way back to the car two dudes come up to me and ask if I was good. I was like yeah, just a lil sick. So one one of dudes said I something for that and my slow ass said I just some saltines and ginger ale so I'll be alright and get back in my car. Got back to friend's house and told her what happened and she was like you know they thought you were a crackhead. Had me like...
So long ago I went to Chicago to see some friends, went out and had a little too much fun and got a hangover. The next morning I literally rolled out of bed and drove to a gas station down the street to get some crackers and ginger ale. On my way back to the car two dudes come up to me and ask if I was good. I was like yeah, just a lil sick. So one one of dudes said I something for that and my slow ass said I just some saltines and ginger ale so I'll be alright and get back in my car. Got back to friend's house and told her what happened and she was like you know they thought you were a crackhead. Had me like...
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Yes…yes..thank you, these are the posts I’m looking for, great story
post that pic on mo time

Pinky Friday GIFs | Tenor
@Alle'Oop you mean general shit u ain’t know about and found out later or more personal things like a chick giving u the signs and u not realizing til years later
@Alle'Oop you mean general shit u ain’t know about and found out later or more personal things like a chick giving u the signs and u not realizing til years later
In the respect of what you are saying..

i can tell a story of..when I was dating a chick and staying at her spot periodically. We was heavy into smoking weed but we was broke most of the times. She stayed wit some bud cause a weed man lived two houses down. I didn’t think anything about it cause fuck it she had da bud. So one day she get into a fight with her Aunt, like a physical fight..afterwards she goes to the weed man and starts complaining. He looks at me and is like “yo why you coming to me with this” and I think..”yea why are you going to him”

A few years later I realized..why after a fight she goes immediately to the dude that was supplying her bud even tho we ain’t had no money


you get me?
When I was 16 working at the mall, this old lady with a face full of terrible makeup that I want to say worked at Aldo or some shit stopped me dead in my tracks and started talking to me. I kept it short, and dipped. Didn't dawn on me she was a pedophile until much later.
Lol..that happened to me on my first time ever going to church. The Deacons wife sat next to me cause she said she sits next to all the new members. During the whole serman she was rubbing my shoulders and inner thighs, like right next to the joint. I thought it was weird but we were surrounded by mad people so I didn’t think anything about it. Mind you, I was 16…so me and my sister go to the Waffle House after and I’m sitting there and I’m like


Uhhhh…I think I just got molested sis
I was 19 the first time I ever heard the term "party train". A comedian was making a joke about tequila and ita related, which I took to mean made you wanna party, which it did.

So for years when I drank tequila I would reference that joke and true I did get some weird looks.

Wasn't until much later that I learned others knew a "party train" to be the girl who fucks the party. Jfc I just about died. That explained those looks.
I was 19 the first time I ever heard the term "party train". A comedian was making a joke about tequila and ita related, which I took to mean made you wanna party, which it did.

So for years when I drank tequila I would reference that joke and true I did get some weird looks.

Wasn't until much later that I learned others knew a "party train" to be the girl who fucks the party. Jfc I just about died. That explained those looks.
Damn radio had all of us kids singing “coooome on the train, and ride it”

us not knowing it was about a gangbang
Around the same time, I decided to start jogging in the morning to the park and back home. I grew up in the hood.

One morning I'm jogging to the park and this car with two dirty whites pulls up to me asked what I had.
I got with a "huh" they said it again I was still confused so they dipped. Realized that they though I was dealing when I got back home.