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It’s Been 100 Years: Is Chicago Finally Ready To Reckon With the City’s 1919 Race Riots?



Not talking about the 1919 race riots has been the Chicago Way for 100 years, but ignoring one of the ugliest periods in the city's history is hampering its present and future.

Patty Wetli@pattywetli
Features contributor

BRONZEVILLE — Before Laquan McDonald, before Emmett Till, there was Eugene Williams.

In the summer of 1919, the murder of Williams, a black teenager, at the hands of a white man, and the subsequent refusal of police to arrest Williams’ killer touched off the fiercest and deadliest rioting Chicago has ever seen.

Over the course of five days, 38 people were killed, 520 were injured and nearly a thousand left homeless — a shocking wave of violence the city has rarely talked about much less reckoned with.

Until now.

A coalition of organizations and institutions, led by the Newberry Library, has coalesced around the 100th anniversary of the violence, producing “Chicago 1919: Confronting the Race Riots,” a year-long citywide program of events.

Historian Brad Hunt, vice president for research and academic programs at the Newberry Library, has coordinated much of the programming, including a bike ride through many of the key 1919 sites.

The goal, he explained, is both simple and complex: to spark conversation among Chicagoans about an ugly past in order to understand the present and chart a better way forward for the city’s future.

“Difficult history makes people uncomfortable,” said Hunt, but ignoring events like the riots — in which the majority of the victims were black and the majority of the aggressors were white male youths — means “we’re not doing the healing work.”

“We all have a responsibility to know and understand this past,” Hunt said. “There’s so little discussion. I want people to understand that where we are today didn’t just happen.”

A line in the sand
Lake Michigan, at 26th Street, where an arbitrary color line divided the lakefront.PATTY WETLI/BLOCK CLUB CHICAGO

On July 27, 1919 — a scorcher of a day with temperatures in the 90s and no such thing as air conditioning to mitigate the misery — 17-year-old Eugene Williams did what a lot of Chicagoans do to beat the heat. He headed to Lake Michigan.
Williams and his friends hit the water at 26th Street, because they were black and that was the stretch of waterfront assigned to people of color. The 29th Street side was for whites and though there may not have been a literal line in the sand, the boundary was strictly observed, not just on land but in the water too.

Whites had already defended their turf earlier in the day by hurling rocks, so they were ready when Williams and his pals, floating on a makeshift raft, drifted in the lake across the arbitrary color line.

A white man on the beach launched rocks at the raft and one either hit Williams and caused him to drown or he floundered under the water, where he’d ducked to avoid the missiles. Regardless, hours later, his lifeless body was pulled from the water. (The official coroner’s report said there had been no injury to Williams, but one of the boy’s friends, also afloat on the raft, insisted Eugene had been struck.)

Word of Williams drowning spread, along with the news that a white policeman on the scene, Officer Daniel Callahan, wouldn’t arrest the white man, George Stauber, witnesses had identified as the person who’d thrown the rock at Williams.
And that was all the spark it took to ignite racial tensions that had been smoldering in Chicago for years.

Deep roots of discrimination

Williams’ death may have lit the fuse, but the root cause of the 1919 riots ran deep, encompassing economics, politics, housing and the after-effects of World War I.

Between 1916 and 1918, 500,000 blacks fled the Jim Crow South for the North during an exodus known as the Great Migration. For many migrants, Chicago was considered the “top of the world,” and the city’s black population grew from 44,000 in 1910 to nearly 110,000 in 1920. Estimates suggest as many as 50,000 of those arrivals occurred between 1917 and 1918.

The newcomers often faced difficulty adjusting. Everything from the climate to the pace of work in the industrial North was different from the agrarian South. A massive gulf in education standards — a later report on the riots would characterize schools for blacks in the South as “lamentably poor” — meant that even many professional black migrants such as teachers were ill-equipped to pursue the same line of work in the North.

That left a large number of migrants to compete with Chicago’s poor whites for jobs as laborers, particularly in the stock yards, where management’s use of blacks as strike breakers only exacerbated whites’ views of the migrants as “invaders.” (This from a white population in Chicago that was itself 30 percent foreign-born at the time.)

“It’s xenophobia, essentially. Black migrants were seen as dirty and uneducated,” said Eve Ewing, a poet and assistant professor at the University of Chicago, who’s among the Newberry’s scholarly advisers on the riots.
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If conditions for blacks in Chicago were an improvement over the South — the heaviest migration to the North came from southern counties where nearly 2,400 blacks were lynched between 1895 and 1918, what Ewing termed “state sanctioned racial terror” — they still faced prejudice and discrimination both subtle and overt.

Among the examples of the former, cited in a 1922 report on the riots: Foundry foremen would assign white molders standard patterns, allowing them to build up speed, which led to greater productivity that in turn translated to more money on a job that paid by the piece. Blacks, by contrast, were given patterns that changed frequently, resulting in lowered speed, yields, and thereby income.

But nowhere was racism more apparent than housing.

Chicago’s black population was largely shoehorned into a narrow strip known as the Black Belt — roughly 22nd to 29th Street, Wentworth Avenue to the lake — and the addition of tens of thousands of newcomers only increased pressure on already inadequate housing stock.

How serious was the overcrowding? At the time, the Chicago Urban League reported that in a single day, 664 blacks applied for housing, and only 55 dwellings were available.

Those who attempted to test or stretch the boundaries of the Black Belt met with strong resistance, and even violence. In the two years before the 1919 riots, 27 black homes were bombed.

Fifty years after the end of the Civil War and the abolition of slavery, it was clear that “total equality was a bridge too far for most white Americans,” said historian Peter Cole, professor at Western Illinois University.

Collective amnesia

Between April and November of 1919, race riots erupted in 15 states and the District of Columbia. White mobs were the instigators in most instances.

In what came to be known as the “Red Summer,” Chicago stood out for its brutality, which was only quelled when state militia troops were called in to protect black citizens and their homes.

And yet many Chicagoans, if not the majority of them, remain ignorant of such a significant, and horrifying, period of the city’s history.

Cole, who’s taught history at Western Illinois for nearly 20 years, said: “I feel I have a decent gauge on the typical Illinois student and I can say with confidence no one knows about the Chicago race riots of 1919, and their parents don’t either.”
Even a scholar like Ewing, born and raised in Chicago and educated at North Side College Prep and the University of Chicago, admitted she wasn’t familiar with the 1919 riots until she began researching the era for a book.

“People know about slavery and the Civil Rights movement, but in between is a mystery,” she said.
For those who have learned of the riots, the knowledge frequently has been passed down through family members.
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