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COMMUNITY Is this racist?


The Game Is The Game
I absolutely hate when shit is trending in the news where a non black person gets celebrated and labeled as a woman of color or a person of color.

Maybe it's just me but being a black man myself I feel like every time we see "person of color" that's just another way of not directly addressing black issues and once again lumping us in with other peoples struggles. It's like when black people start talking about our disadvantages and someone comes and and starts rambling about LGBT disadvantages or Asian Americans. Like can we please stay on topic and actually address black issues without constantly being merged and grouped with other issues which I'm basically taking as a blatant attempt to ignore and disregard black issues.

I realize that this may come off as a little racist, biased, etc but it's extremely frustrating. It's like as soon as we start making real progress on some real black issues someone always has to chime in with that people of color bullshit. Bitch ass nigga we wasn't talking about people of color. We were just talking about black people.
Good thread

I recognize that struggle, although I can admit it doesnt burn me quite as much. Im not an activist of any sort and dont really debate these things, so it just doesnt come up that often irl...seeing it on tv is just meh at this point....so obvious and expected

aside from that.....I like the thread because I think it can be a spot for all "is this racist?" situations

I find myself in a lot of situations im not exactly cool with, and wonder if I'm being racist by the way I feel about certain shit
Its not racist.. for clarity what is your definition of "black issues"

Anytime a black person is given a platform to speak up about things directly effecting the black community other groups, organizations, movements, like to insert themselves right in there and it muddies the waters. Now the focus isn't necessarily on black people specifically anymore and it has turned into an "all lives matter" situation where we started talking about black people and before we can actually make progress with issues that black people raised we are stopped and shit starts getting washed with a bunch of what I believe is disingenuous support.
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I think the reason for that is the strength in movements that black people are the foundation for. Gain stronger and better traction toward the attention of those issues, than weaker or less prominent groups who deal with "similar" issues. They latch on to black issues as a way to also say. We are marginalized also, it's the curse of being strong. I'm not super amped about all the social shit that goes on, cause for me it's more theater than substance. It's starts out substance and becomes theater I should say.

So the theater of it, I see progress that has been made that our voice becomes something for others to hide behind and shout. Better to be strong and symbiotic, than to be weak and co dependent.
Depends how you define racist. Nowadays, everyone has different concepts for what is and is not racist.

I don't think it's wrong, though. After WWII, Black Americans led the way for civil rights, and now there are a ton of other groups who try to piggyback that momentum, while at the same time often neglecting and even refusing to pay homage