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OPINION Is the girlfriend wrong?

But real talk, this would probably end in a break up...

This serious drama, I know niggaz cold hearted online... But in real life, most people ain't kicking that woman out in the cold.... And she definitely ain't willingly leaving her child behind...

This like top tier beef....., Most married couples ain't equipped for this....bf/gf might not survive
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Tough. Only reason why she ain't drop that "NO" hammer is the child.

She need to find out where his head at in all this. Of course he gonna want the child to stay. The bm...like Mars said...she gonna have to figure that out herself.

If they do let her stay...ground rules would need to be set. Any more disrespeck towards his girl...the bm gotta go. Point blank. Child stays.
Child can stay, adult can bounce

Or I can bounce and yall can fix that

Either way; this ain't a 3 adult, 1 kid home

I mean it really depends on why me and bm not together. If I cheated or was on sum fuck shit I can see letting her stay as well. I would just have to expect that it could ruin my current relationship. Reap what you sow.
Not wrong. I'd be lookin at my bf crazy tho like why doesnt he have at least joint custody if he's doing fine but the bm is homeless.
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You let the child stay and go to the court house for interim custody because clearly she doesn have the means to support a child.

She's not wrong but she's dating the nigga. She shouldn't be deciding shit. HE needs to step up to the plate for his kid. She needs to know her place and stop running her mouth online.
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But it’s her house as well....what if she owns the crib ?

I'm referring to B_A's post about custody. Regardless it isn't her place to talk about other people's family issues to the masses, her house or not.
She can make whatever choice she wants she shouldn't be airing them out.

She doesn't need the internet to make that decision. She propping herself up.
This sounds like some Jerry Springer shit. Throw a thanksgiving dinner at her and call it a day.