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Is The "Blacks Vs N*ggas" Concept Fair or Coon Talk?

The problem with that bit is in Chris Rock's mind, nigga = ignorant thug. And that isn't the case. There are millions of people who would consider themselves 'niggas'...who also read books, won't steal your TV, and are gainfully employed.

Flag on the play.
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No doubt about it. I've been to a few clubs that were very decent, but niggas wanna come out and put on a show. Even something simple, like a dress code. They wanna yell, fuss, fight, and argue w/ the bouncers to still let em' in.

Love hole in the walls, but they even worse.

The city was about to close down one of our malls because of niggas wanna show out in public.
It's a concept that stems from the frustration of a lack of class separation between aspiring middle class Black people and poor Black people.

A motherfucker with a voucher can live anywhere one of these two household 130K a year motherfuckers live.

And with that comes all of the poverty inflicted behaviors that most aspiring middle class Black people try to escape from because poor Black people are a contagion to wealth and stability.

Visiting your ghetto aunts, cousins and uncles once a year is fine but you don't want to live next to them.

Nobody wants to work hard, do the right thing and be right back where you started because someone can just move right in and bring the same set of problems you trying to escape.

Black Americans don't have a strong class distinction or separation within the population.
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There are poor people who just happened to be Black. There are ignorant people who just happened to be Black. Niggas are something different. The MLK speech in Boondocks was a decent summary of niggas. Niggas can be reach and powerful too. Niggas don't read though, it's practically a pre-requisite into niggadom.
Fair.. i think we can make a proper delineation that shit is very apparent... what kind of sense does it make to call something coon talk that describes a subset of people who have a cartoonish alligience to niggatry unless somehow in your warped mind its is Blackness in its purest form... unfortunately some people think like that... the joke always just highlighted what existed its not a function of class its a function of tact .. never mind the white gaze cuz fuck em before anyone haphazardly attributes it to that
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Check this out, I’ve been enlightened. When I left the job I worked at for 15 years I realized that working there forced me to grow up when I told myself that I’m just going to get a bullshit job for while.

I worked as a landscaper for the city and the city don’t like to pay so all they get to work there are ex felons, and hood dudes.

I saw the job as paying me to exercise. I didn’t have to think of trouble tickets, I didn’t have to please customers, I just had to physically do labor.

Everytime we had to actually put in work, I’m working hard cause why not. The amount of dudes that would just stand off side in a group and just seethe that I gave a fuck.

I would look at them and see me 15 years ago. That’s the day I understood deeply. Theres some of us that just hate any of us that don’t wanna be do nothing, learn nothing, ass muthafuckas.

With a passion at that, and I used to be one of em.
That dude at the job that I used to think was a brown nosing, pick me, choose me, do too much dude.

That dude was raised right, he was networking and aspiring for something better than where he was.