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Is no one talking about the Facebook fallout?

Benjamin E

Just thought it was weird that no one is talking about, especially those who gloat about not having an account...

I wasn't surprise they were keeping tabs and selling data, seeing that the idea of privacy gets more abstract everyday...

I only use mine to approve pics wifey post to my timeline, but I've thought about pulling the plug...

What say yee?
I mean I thought it was always an understanding that all these apps are utilizing and selling peoples data and that people were just fine with that for some reason. *shrugs*

I swiped my card at Target a couple years back. Next thing I know I'm getting mail for the items I bought. Uploaded my resume on indeed.com, I start getting phone calls from Jamaica saying I won a trip. Used Google maps on my phone, that search triggers shit on my PC. Then there's the time we learned you can track peoples location on the phone while their driving. It's all rigged.

Hell, the other day I dropped a friend of mine off to rent himself a car. Them bitches didn't even take cash. Like who the fuck doesn't take cash?!
I been tellin people Facebook profits off our clicks & keystrokes for years. Only NOW are niggas finally listening. I haven't had a FB in almost 5 years.
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Once I realized you can't actually delete fb and so many other apps run dependent on fb logins I knew we were fucked.

I tried to delete fb and my spotify music stopped working smh.
Says this while posting on a social media platform...

Once I realized you can't actually delete fb and so many other apps run dependent on fb logins I knew we were fucked.

I tried to delete fb and my spotify music stopped working smh.

Yeah I dont link anything to Facebook

yet and still when I get on, I get ads trying to sell me everything I have recently shopped for - in other apps

all the apps ask you for access to your phone....I hit no on all of them and you're right some shit stops working