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Is Kamala Harris The Best Candidate For Black People?

Honestly, I don't care if she's the "best candidate for Black people". That doesn't even make sense. You can't vote based on who's the best for Black people because the majority of voters aren't Black.

Republicans genuinely like Donald Trump. They think he did a good job and will vote for him again.

As much as I like Kamala Harris, I don't think she can beat Trump. She doesn't have the following that Trump has. I can't picture an insurrection if Kamala Harris loses.

The Democrats better come up with somebody that can win.
I'm not her biggest fan at all but I would pay money to watch her debate Trump. It would be the most watched Presidential debate in America's history

And Trump is already shook

I think it's time for a female president and she can must let just a bit more charm than Hillary I think she'll be fine