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Is It Fair To Punish Past Figures Due To Modern Standards?

Most things still stand in America and it’s based off inequality,racism and just flat out disprepect for the fellow inhabitants past present and future. So as I see it ppl are trying to correct certain wrongs but they are picking and choosing.
Can't pick and choose when you do this, if you going down this road then go all the way. Can't be like that's different when it's someone you like is all I'm saying

which is the sentiment I'm expressing here.

Either you're going to give the person a pass for past misdeeds, like the case of Tim Allen being a former coke dealer, or no one gets a pass.

So when/if Jay decides to get into politics, if anyone brings up his past as a drug dealer, they're going to need to bring up Tim Allen and every other white celeb that has done the same or give Jay the same pass that Tim gets (among other white celebs that were drug dealers)..
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back in the day, women were used, assaulted and abused. it was seen as a stroke of luck and fortune for a woman to be in the presence of powerful men. slip something in her drink, have fun with her, call her a cab. as long as shes unsure of what happened she'll be aight..its what we do..

aint that right bill?

"yes suuuuurrrrrr"

This entire planet is run by shady motherfuckers.

Like when you get all the way to the top... Niggaz who really go day to day 100% under the acting belief that they are above all law and judgement..... They got the most skeletons..... And this is past and present.

Niggaz who is literally American heroes.... They got reasons to be cancelled

I'm just really intrigued by this whole phenomenon.

Cancel everybody..... Let's see how far this can go.
It's history no matter if a statue is there or not but if you go down this road then bring up everyone's shit rather they black, white Asian or Hispanic, don't have selective outrage.


I think right is right no mater what time you're in.
Rape has always been wrong no matter the time
Racism has always been wrong no matter what time it is
Discrimination is always been wrong no matter what time it is

I think it's all about intent. If she was singing song that down black folks it's always been wrong no matter how acceptable it was.
I don't count vernacular in this, because that changes pretty regularly.