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Is Hustler Muzik An Up North Record?

I’d use a basketball analogy

Wayne is like a nigga that went to the league outta HS. Early years showed promise because of natural ability. By year 4 he’s a legitimate all star player. Already with all star appearances under the belt. Let’s say he already has a jump shot but it’s a hitch in it still effective but a hitch. Over the summer he works out with a few other shooters. After that summer the hitch is gone and the jumper becomes more potent. He goes from a legitimate top 5 guy to THE GUY.

At the trajectory he was already gonna become the guy eventually but that summer expedited things and supercharged him.

I don’t like when people say up north taught Wayne to rap he been rapping rapping on squad up. They just weren’t hip. That statement is super of base to who was familiar with sqad up era. But those dipset adjacent years had him become more potent.

And the pairing was equally beneficial some in the south started checking for dipset more and northerners took Wayne even more seriously as THE guy and not just one of the top guys.

It was a perfect storm and I feel like both sides put too much sauce on it overhyping it and underplaying it.
I didn't follow the comp as a whole but agreed with the last two points
I didn't follow the comp as a whole but agreed with the last two points
I used the jumpshot shit because it’s an aesthetic rather than the actual ability. I touched on this in another thread that what I know about being from up here is

Just Being nice at rapping don’t penetrate for a lot of these niggas. It’s how you’re nice. Like you can be literally nice at rapping but if It’s not in the standardized way of being nice. Like the method of setting up your bars and whatnot. Niggas pushback
I used the jumpshot shit because it’s an aesthetic rather than the actual ability. I touched on this in another thread that what I know about being from up here is

Just Being nice at rapping don’t penetrate for a lot of these niggas. It’s how you’re nice. Like you can be literally nice at rapping but if It’s not in the standardized way of being nice. Like the method of setting up your bars and whatnot. Niggas pushback