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Netflix In The Dark


Dont drank out my drank, foo

Just ran across this last night, had no idea it premiered on CW.....idk if its still on TV or not.

The trailer was meh, but the shit got kinda good within the first few minutes. Its awkward and funny with a decent storyline (so far, im only 3 ep's in).

Check it out if you like different shit.
yeah, Idk if they made the trailer light and goofy for CW's sake, but thats not how the show is at all

i'll look for something better
probably should've put this in the what are you watching thread before making it its own thread, BUT , I appreciate you adding to the forum
  • Haha
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Nigga what is it about?



A fast blind chick living in the city (chicago). She's kinda honory and "tough" due to her circumstances, and chooses to do most things on her own even though she has family and friends that would help. She's out walking one night and gets mugged and beat up bad before this kid stops it and gets her help. She later finds the kid around the neighborhood and they get cool. She comes outside every day to smoke and meets him in the alley he's hustling in to chat. He's a smart kid that could do better but they're both where they are in life and just let it be. Aside from the fact their "relationship" is odd to everyone around them.

Anyway she goes to the meeting spot one night and finds a body she thinks is her friend, but by the time the police get there the body is gone and there's no evidence of any crime. Police and the kids' fam aint doing shit, She's fucked up and starts going wayyy off her base to try and find out what happened.

In between all that she's still got her life to deal with and everything that comes with it. Lots of layers here. Cute lesbian roommate, bi-racial adoptive parents that run a guide dog business, throwed sex life, etc.

shits good but I couldnt give any more that make you want to watch....one of those ones you just gotta try....i honestly wasnt interested but gave it a shot
probably should've put this in the what are you watching thread before making it its own thread, BUT , I appreciate you adding to the forum

meh.....you've probably told them to make threads instead of putting everything in there, right? lol

I rarely go in that thread....or the game one like it

its essentially a long list of suggestions....its easy to look over some gems

i think its only the one season, so its not even a discussion thread at this point....but it could pick up
meh.....you've probably told them to make threads instead of putting everything in there, right? lol

I rarely go in that thread....or the game one like it

its essentially a long list of suggestions....its easy to look over some gems

i think its only the one season, so its not even a discussion thread at this point....but it could pick up

nah..i didnt

its just kinda like the kids table at thanksgiving. People usually see the gems, start the shows...interest is gathered, then it becomes its own thread

but real spill...i really do appreciate you making a thread. I wasn't trolling with that
  • Haha
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A fast blind chick living in the city (chicago). She's kinda honory and "tough" due to her circumstances, and chooses to do most things on her own even though she has family and friends that would help. She's out walking one night and gets mugged and beat up bad before this kid stops it and gets her help. She later finds the kid around the neighborhood and they get cool. She comes outside every day to smoke and meets him in the alley he's hustling in to chat. He's a smart kid that could do better but they're both where they are in life and just let it be. Aside from the fact their "relationship" is odd to everyone around them.

Anyway she goes to the meeting spot one night and finds a body she thinks is her friend, but by the time the police get there the body is gone and there's no evidence of any crime. Police and the kids' fam aint doing shit, She's fucked up and starts going wayyy off her base to try and find out what happened.

In between all that she's still got her life to deal with and everything that comes with it. Lots of layers here. Cute lesbian roommate, bi-racial adoptive parents that run a guide dog business, throwed sex life, etc.

shits good but I couldnt give any more that make you want to watch....one of those ones you just gotta try....i honestly wasnt interested but gave it a shot

Not for me but appreciate the synopsis.

Something about watching blind people is annoying af to me. Couldn't be bothered. I don't know what it is.
  • Haha
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a few bits of insight I know ya'll would like:

Im 3 ep's in and she's already smashed more dudes then Mary Louise Parker by season 2 of Weeds

She's so playa, in fact, the store clerk knows her "usual" is a Plan B and a pack of smokes......ebrc all day

I like the room mate, but ya'll would probably like the roommates girlfriend.....who might be playing for the other team on the low

Oh and its one unapologetic nigga in a stocking cap that gives her zero pity.....ya'll gone like him lmao
For some reason i fuck with this show. I watched the first episode and was like "nah I can't do it". But then one day recently I was bored working and needed something to play in the background so I decided to put the shit on and ended up binging the whole season. It turned out decent but not great or anything.

The only thing that throws me off about shows like this is black people with Canadian accents trying to act like Americans from the hood. The shit seems a little insulting to me like if they tried to do a british accent the director would be like no you got it all wrong but for some reason when it comes to us all they gotta do is be black and say the lines. The black people in this show are props and plot devices but what else is new.
  • Ether
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Sounds good

I think you'd like it

For some reason i fuck with this show. I watched the first episode and was like "nah I can't do it". But then one day recently I was bored working and needed something to play in the background so I decided to put the shit on and ended up binging the whole season. It turned out decent but not great or anything.

The only thing that throws me off about shows like this is black people with Canadian accents trying to act like Americans from the hood. The shit seems a little insulting to me like if they tried to do a british accent the director would be like no you got it all wrong but for some reason when it comes to us all they gotta do is be black and say the lines. The black people in this show are props and plot devices but what else is new.

most of these types of shows miss their mark on the "urban" black people lol...shame, but im kinda used to it

i mean it could be like the 90's when only rappers got those roles lol

with this, its not so bad its cheesy.....but some of it does make you go :word?:

but so does Power
I started this then all of a sudden I forgot about it.. takes me forever to finish shows, but I liked what I saw. Thanks for the reminder
  • Goat
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im the opposite, once i start something new I gotta run the whole thing (if its available) before I move on