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I'm Black But Look White. Here Are The Horrible Things White People Feel Safe Telling Me.

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I was outside my house gardening a few weekends ago when a neighbor, whom I had known for almost 30 years, stopped by so I could pet his large, fluffy dogs. I took my gloves off, squatted down to give the dogs a really good scratching around their ears and felt the sun on my back. What could be better? And then my neighbor said: “Why do you have a ‘Black Lives Matter’ sign on your front lawn when all those people do is kill each other?”
My lovely day screeched to a halt.

“You know I’m Black, right?” I said, standing up as tall as my 5’4” frame would allow, the sun shining on my blond hair. I continued to pet his dogs, because I needed the comfort of petting dogs at that moment, and because I needed to keep my hands busy so they didn’t slap that man’s face.
After the usual back and forth of him saying “No!” and me saying “Yes!” and then him trying to gauge exactly “how Black I was” by asking which of my parents was Black and me replying “Both,” we had a very uncomfortable conversation about racism.
I told him about my father’s struggles to get an education because guidance counselors and admissions agents would not accept Black people into community colleges or SUNY programs in the 1950s and ’60s. I told him that even though my father was a veteran, he could not be approved to use the GI Bill for college or buy a house, since no one would process his paperwork because he was a Black man. I told him that people painted “Go Home Nigger” on the back of our home when my parents finally saved enough money to build a house in the suburbs of Syracuse, New York. And I told him how “Black Lives Matter” calls attention to the fact that Black people are considered less than white people ― and that needs to stop.
I also told him if people don’t understand that Black lives matter, Black people will continue to be murdered by the police and denied opportunities by the establishment. We will not be allowed to participate in the “American Dream,” and we will be made to feel that this is somehow our fault, when it is in fact the fault of a racist society with the full support of our government.
This isn’t the first time I’ve had to have this conversation. Encounters like this have been going on for a very long time for me.

I posted this in ws exposed. Passing is crazy. Her experience is very unique. Its like her entire existence is an experiment
We actually follow each other on twitter.. i kind of ran into the article as i opened my twitter yesterday

She must have an encylopedia worth of bullshit shes heard
There is the story of my grandmother’s cousin Neville, who left the family in the 1940s to pass for white so he could join the Army and fight in World War II. He married a German girl, returned to Syracuse and never returned to being Black. Family members would see him on the streets and they would look past each other. He was lost to us because he chose an easier way ― and forsook his ancestry. Neville became a cautionary tale for me. I never wanted to be like him.

There is also the story of a great-aunt, Annie Mother, who would pass as white to purchase properties and then sell or rent them to Black family members and other Black families who could not find decent, affordable housing. I wanted to be like Annie Mother, so I pursued a career in social justice, specifically issues related to housing.

Damn, talk about 2 sides of a family.
I got an aunt through marriage that looks exactly like her. Her whole side of the family looks like that too. Light af, straight hair with the smallest inkling of a curl and green eyes.

Yeah 2 of my uncles 3 daughters both have blonde hair and gray eyes...and his middle daughter is brown skin like his wife so people til this day don't believe they're actually related and are sisters.
Lol she fumbled the bag too, this could have been a NY times bestselling book instead of an article. Should have waited to collect more examples.
Yeah…. Some BETTER examples.

“Why do you have a BLM sign on your front lawn when all those people do is kill each other?”

That doesn’t even rank in the top 20 “horrible” things white people have said.

I was expecting something really bad.
My great grandfather passed for a white man and used to get picked on when he was younger because his family was black.