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Supporting knock offs goes against all my hip hop values but this niggas album is amazing to me. I used to hate bumping that Gorilla Black song back in the day but sometimes clones restore the feeling

This dude is unapologetically yeezy, from his flow, voice inflections, even his metaphors sounds like "shit kanye would say". Dude is a better fake ye than Desiigner is a fake Future

Has he always been Cloneye West? Or is that just for this joint?

Nah it didn’t used to be this pronounced. Listening to his new stuff I can hear it in retrospect in his old music a lil, but in real time I didn’t hear it back then.

This a song from a while back

I wouldn’t call him a plant. I’ve been listening to and following son since 2014. He just has one of those careers where he never caught that one song to push him through to the masses but managed to be consistent enough to gain the respect of other artists on that upper tier.

At least enough for them to accept money to feature. I could see how it appears that way though.