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COMMUNITY Hungry? Food Quizzes Inside...C'mon On In!


Unshakeable Unbreakable Victorious
Disclaimer: This is an insomnia induced thread.

Take the quiz of your choice and post your results along with the quiz you took.

Feel free to add other quizzes.

Annnd go!

Eat Your Way Through This Cookie Buffet To Reveal What People Like Most About You

Everyone Has A Marvel Hero That Matches Their Vibe – Pick Your Favorite Meals To Reveal Yours

I Know It Sounds Strange, But I Promise I Can Guess Your Age With 98.2% Accuracy Based On The Simple Or Fancy Foods You Pick

Pick Some Late Night Snacks And We'll Tell You What You Should Watch On Netflix

Apparently, Identifying At Least 17/20 Of These Fruits Is A Lot Harder Than It Should Be

Say "Yuck" Or "Yum" To These 25 American Foods And We'll Reveal The Age Of Your Taste Buds

It Shouldn't Be Hard To Spend Over $60 On Breakfast At Denny's, But You Probably Can't

Your Cereal Choices Will Reveal If You're An Overgrown Child

Are You An Introvert Or Extrovert Based On Your Breakfast Choices?

Your Taste In American Food Will Reveal Which US State You Truly Belong In

Edited for clarity
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Which quiz did you take?

I took the 2nd one about Marvel characters, the one about cereal (I'm a mature adult it stated), and just finished the ones on picking out fruit (got 19 out of 20) never seen a kumquat before and I picked a gooseberry as it.

Edit. It said I'm from California (lived there and on the west coast for a little while. Funny enough outside of San Francisco) but I'm not.. lol

Yeah, I can't sleep....... lmao
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Everyone Has A Marvel Hero That Matches Their Vibe – Pick Your Favorite Meals To Reveal Yours

Scarlet Witch

I Know It Sounds Strange, But I Promise I Can Guess Your Age With 98.2% Accuracy Based On The Simple Or Fancy Foods You Pick

It was very accurate

Are You An Introvert Or Extrovert Based On Your Breakfast Choices?


Your Taste In American Food Will Reveal Which US State You Truly Belong In

I only did the ones that seemed interesting

Everyone Has A Marvel Hero That Matches Their Vibe – Pick Your Favorite Meals To Reveal Yours
Doctor Strange
You're intelligent, pompous, and not afraid to challenge other people's opinions. You're often the smartest person in the room and you love sharing your knowledge with your inner circles.
Mostly true.

I Know It Sounds Strange, But I Promise I Can Guess Your Age With 98.2% Accuracy Based On The Simple Or Fancy Foods You Pick
Your taste buds crave something different every day — depending on your mood. One day you’re craving something simple and comforting and the next you’re craving something fancy and exciting! Just like your taste buds, you never stay within your comfort zone and love doing things you usually wouldn't do.
Mostly true, but I’m 37.

Apparently, Identifying At Least 17/20 Of These Fruits Is A Lot Harder Than It Should Be
You got: 19 of 20
You're great at fruits

Who the fuck knows what a kumquat looks like? And did this nigga just call me gay?!?

Say "Yuck" Or "Yum" To These 25 American Foods And We'll Reveal The Age Of Your Taste Buds
11 years old
According to your reaction to these foods, your taste buds are pretty young! You can be a picky eater sometimes, but hey, you like what you like!
Not true at all. I’m an adventurous eater.

Your Cereal Choices Will Reveal If You're An Overgrown Child
Overgrown Child
You don't have an inner child because your child self is on the outside. That's just who you are. You're fun and you love cereal.

Are You An Introvert Or Extrovert Based On Your Breakfast Choices?
You get so much energy from spending time with others, but you don't mind a little "me time" every now and again. Pretty cool!
Inaccurate as fuck. Introverted. Like…my life didn’t change at all during the pandemic.

Your Taste In American Food Will Reveal Which US State You Truly Belong In
You belong in California! The weather is amazing, and it's possible that the food is even better. You can take trips to the beach and check out all of the cool historical and touristy sights!
I’ll allow it. Been a resident damn near 20 years