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How the far right has bastardized the word “woke”

Their ability to do shit like this is annoying, but also impressive. You can't deny their tactics are effective. They basically turned CRT into a cuss word. Though I'm not sure whether I'm impressed with how skillful the people that run this propaganda are or with how stupid the people that fall for it are.
Liberal whites co-opted the phrase for progressive thought (LGBTQAI2S+, marxist-leninist policies, shit like that), that's how it was introduced to the far-right. The racists on the right didn't just randomly go back to the 60s and 70s and pluck the word out of the black lexicon randomly. So when people like DeSantis whine about woke, he's using it accurately as the word has already been gentrified by the Mafia of the Well-Meaning.

The call is coming from inside the house. White people bastardized the word "woke".
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You can add yt people in general to far right

And replace woke with almost any slang by black people.

lol It's a little game I have where when I find out some slang that is popular among black people and then count the months that pass by before some middle-aged or old white person uses the word in a meeting at work. The times vary, but it always happens.
YT Liberals mischaracterized the word first, just like they do EVERYTHING black-oriented.

Those Hee-hawing MAGAts just used it against them, and by proxy, us.

I'd say liberals just expanded it. They generally used it with the same meaning but they applied it to a bunch of stuff outside of the black community, when it was originally specifically used for black people and our situation in this country.

MAGA actually mischaracterized it, meaning they changed the meaning of the word to some BS.
They Latched onto ‘woke’ and took advantage of known social mechanisms in the Black community that favor White opinions to push it to the depths of the far-left that most Americans in general see as gay, black, communist,Islamic etc.

So now, the drug dilla, the hotep, the ‘square black kid’, the capitalist and everyone in between can agree on one thing: I ain’t woke! Just like Tucker Carlson.….

They did something similar with the BLM cipher, delegitimized it through deception, free thinker negroism and homophobia to the point that your average Black person believes this was some Black homo Bernie Madoff shit rather than the engine of 2020.

Got respect Katt Wiyams wearing that *WOKE* chain deep In enemy territory.
The problem is we dont have our own language. They can't run the same plays against other races because there's a natural barrier in communication. White people can't take si se puede and pervert it's meaning the same way they can black lives matter.

Stay woke literally is to stay aware of these deceptions and yet we still invited them to into our conversation.