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How important do you think YOUR opinion is?


This is something I've thought about a lot in the past few years. To me, it's ironic to feel the way i do now about my own opinion on various topics seeing as how I've posted on online forums for 10+ years now.

IMO, i feel as if my perspective has changed so drastically on my own opinions due to my spiritual growth. I've been working hard on trying to gain control over my ego, and a effect of that is not taking myself as seriously. That's not to say I don't have strong opinions on different matters, but I've grown to a point where my own discernment has lead me to only speak out when i deem it necessary.

How do you feel about your own opinions? And with honest self reflection, what do you think that says about you as a person?
I'm stubborn when it comes to my own opinion, I whole heartily believe in what i think and say but can be swayed with good debate. Which can make me either a rude stick in the mud or fun and interesting to be around.
Great question

I definitely think I hold a unique perspective but it's not the end all be all.

Sometimes people are merely just looking for you to confirm a decision they've already made and when you don't, then they try to discredit your opinion somewhat. Ultimately people gonna do what they want do but I feel like if you really know me then you are asking me for my opinion because you might be on the fence and can go either way
I'm stubborn when it comes to my own opinion, I whole heartily believe in what i think and say but can be swayed with good debate. Which can make me either a rude stick in the mud or fun and interesting to be around.

I have my core values that i am unwilling to waiver on, but other than that I am much more willing to listen than talk these days.
Great question

I definitely think I hold a unique perspective but it's not the end all be all.

Sometimes people are merely just looking for you to confirm a decision they've already made and when you don't, then they try to discredit your opinion somewhat. Ultimately people gonna do what they want do but I feel like if you really know me then you are asking me for my opinion because you might be on the fence and can go either way

I think you hit the nail on the head. Most people are just looking to have their opinions confirmed. The whole concept of echo chambers and what not. How many people are honestly willing to engage in conversations with people that might not see things the way they do though?
A had a very long winded answer but I don't feel like typing it

Ultimately, I feel my opinion is important however I understand it isnt a fact

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I'll learn from it and continue to grow
i like to be wrong because it helps me learn. so my opinion is usually based around ..."prove me wrong"

but on certain things.......i feel my opinion can be valuable.

other times....small talk.

did i answer the question?
My opinion is the only one that matters in my life.

Come to me with facts cause another persons opinion don't mean shit to me cause it's neither right nor wrong.
I have strong thoughts on this.

To me and MY life, there is NO opinion that matters more than mine. I almost never seek out advice from others, because I have intimate, unwavering confidence in why own through process when forming my own opinion. It very rarely lets me down.

To other people and THEIR lives, I don't really expect my opinion to mean much. But that's because it's sometimes hard for me to understand that not everyone is like me. Not everyone has confidence in their own opinions and decision-making. So often times people take my opinions on shit and run with them. Which bothers me a lot, because I legitimately hate it when people are slaves to the opinions of other people and can't really seem to figure shit out for themselves.

If that makes sense.
My opinion is my own. Ive learned to be totally comfortable with people not agreeing with me.

Dont expect my opinion to change on most stuff. I like what I like, and dislike what I like dislike. Ill share my opinion with a mfer and keep it moving. Not interested in trying to change yours.

Unfortunately, mfers take it personally. Like my boy asked me to chill for the Tyson fight. I let my opinion be known. Was like fam im always down to chill but not interested in seeing 50+ year olds boxing.

Dude came back like why you killing the hype? I just laughed it off. Like yo be as hype as you want. Thats your world.

I just let my opinion be known and keep it moving.
I have strong thoughts on this.

To me and MY life, there is NO opinion that matters more than mine. I almost never seek out advice from others, because I have intimate, unwavering confidence in why own through process when forming my own opinion. It very rarely lets me down.

To other people and THEIR lives, I don't really expect my opinion to mean much. But that's because it's sometimes hard for me to understand that not everyone is like me. Not everyone has confidence in their own opinions and decision-making. So often times people take my opinions on shit and run with them. Which bothers me a lot, because I legitimately hate it when people are slaves to the opinions of other people and can't really seem to figure shit out for themselves.

If that makes sense.

Ight now we are getting somewhere.

I have a similar view of my own opinions. But in recent years, i sat back and really thought about how i came to be that way and i had a revelation. Everything that I am personally has been shaped by internal thought process that in reality were guided by the thought processes of external factors. Whether that be direct guidance from those i look to as influences (parents, loved ones, older respected folks ect.). Also, my own personal experiences that i shaped who i am as a person and then applied those lessons to guide my personality and how i view the world.

So with all that in mind, i came to the realization thay most of what I THINK i know is a remixed version of thoughts/opinions of others. Coming to that realization, it made me question everything i think i know and lead me down a different way of viewing things. So i am way more willing to listen and challenge my own thoughts than i have been in the past.

This makes me wonder about the origin on the study of philosophy. Like what, if anything, do we REALLY know internally?
Ight now we are getting somewhere.

I have a similar view of my own opinions. But in recent years, i sat back and really thought about how i came to be that way and i had a revelation. Everything that I am personally has been shaped by internal thought process that in reality were guided by the thought processes of external factors. Whether that be direct guidance from those i look to as influences (parents, loved ones, older respected folks ect.). Also, my own personal experiences that i shaped who i am as a person and then applied those lessons to guide my personality and how i view the world.

So with all that in mind, i came to the realization thay most of what I THINK i know is a remixed version of thoughts/opinions of others
. Coming to that realization, it made me question everything i think i know and lead me down a different way of viewing things. So i am way more willing to listen and challenge my own thoughts than i have been in the past.

This makes me wonder about the origin on the study of philosophy. Like what, if anything, do we REALLY know internally?

See I'm kinda the opposite. I've kinda had to build my world-view from scratch. I didn't really have any influences that I can think of from older family, etc. I had to piece the shit together myself. I guess that's why it bothers me so much when people have trouble doing the same and are constantly on the search for other people's opinions and thought processes.
My opinion is my own and it's really only as valuable as the person listening or reading seems it. I do agree that as I've gotten older and my views have continued to grow and evolve there's far less things I take as seriously as I once did but in turn the things I feel strongly about I feel really strongly about. Unless I just feel like your opinion is flat out dumb or harmful then I'll typically just let you rock and not try and change it. Just merely offer my own perspective.

Now if it's something personal or concerning my life then my opinion matters but it's still not the end all be all. I'll still take in the thoughts of others who I feel can give a good perspective on the situation.