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how does the rapper gets most money from us?

Don Dada

Active Member
Album and music

Like if I want to support Lloyd Banks for example. How does he get the most money out of his fans ? Is it streaming or if we buy the album? Its diffirent platforms, you can buy from Itunes , Apple, Amazon and many more.
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How much does the rapper get out of a 100 dollar bill

If its an industry rapper on a major label, he probably doesn't see that much out of $100 (like $5 0r $10).

But I think if its an underground rapper with a cult following he might see $50. The underground rapper doesn't spend as much on advertising and promotion. People go to his/her shows on the strength of the movement, not because of media presence. Media presence can fill seats, but you have to pay for it.
Shows and merchandise

An artist like Tech 9 gets another 5 figures from selling t shirts and other merch at shows
If its an industry rapper on a major label, he probably doesn't see that much out of $100 (like $5 0r $10).

But I think if its an underground rapper with a cult following he might see $50. The underground rapper doesn't spend as much on advertising and promotion. People go to his/her shows on the strength of the movement, not because of media presence. Media presence can fill seats, but you have to pay for it.
Damn some of those Nas tickets was sold for 3000 usd
I thought about this before too.

I found a few artists (not all rappers) on bandcamp. I think that helps because sometimes I gave the artists more money than the album cost. I haven't been on there in a while, but this should still be an option. I just gave them more money cause I liked they music and talent so much. I would think nearly most of them funds went in they pockets.