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How Do Y'all Feel About Earpods?

Busta Carmichael

LOT - Full-Time Kufi/Yarmulke Smacker
Lately I've been seeing a lot of people wearing them dumb ass shits.

What if two people snatch them out your ears and run in opposite directions?

now what you gon do?
I'm much to aware of who is around me for someone to snatch something out my ear.
The same people that talk shit about folks with the bluetooth joint in their ear are the same idiots walking around with airpods not even recognizing the hypocrisy.
I think they too damm small.

Me and my girl drove from ATL to Detroit for Thanksgiving and we stopped inside a McDonald's for breakfast and I made a mistake and threw her pods away cuz I didn't see them on the tray

my supervisor came in here braggin about the knockoffs he got off wish.com for like $20
I just started drinking tea everyday this week and then I read teabags have pesticides in it I was like come the fuck on lol

I have one of these for tea:


Use loose tea like this with it:


Works like a charm.
Have a pair still never used them tho. I guarantee I'll list them shuts within a couple days tho lmao.
Ahh well there are still radioactive particles floating around the planet from the 2000+atomic bombs humans detonated years ago. We all got some in us. But your lung cancer is from the cigarettes you smoked 20yrs ago.