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How are you handling this situation from either side


The one between three and three.
Clearly a staged/fake video, but it begs the questions:

1. If you just got a call from someone saying your ex had just died 15 minutes ago, and maybe you going through it a bit, how would you expect your current S.O. to respond.
2. The flip of that, you come in the door and your S.O. is down in the dumps 'cause he/she just found out their ex died 15 minutes ago, how are you gonna react?

My ex is still the mother of my child

Regardless of the dynamic that exists between the two of us, our child is one parent less

I can put my feelings aside for her to grieve the loss of a parent for my child, even if I know she would not do the same for me

As far as any other person I've dated since I've been divorced, I would be saddened but I would find a way to mourn so that it doesn't cause any friction in my current situation
Lol I would not be dumb enough to let my S/O find out about that while the emotion still raw
I don't need my s/o to care about the loss of my ex but at least give me the space and time to grieve on my own especially if I was still close to her

"I hope you lost ya damn appetite too cuz I'm finna get me something to eat".......🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I don’t care if my exs die.

But if my wife divorce me and die even after 20 years I would be devastated
I’m not a psychopath so I’d show some grace and comfort my woman if she’s torn up over a death.

And if my woman can’t show me some grace when I’m upset about a death…then she ain’t for me.
I’d expect some sort of sadness. That emotion comes with death.

However, I won’t allow it to cause friction in my relationship. I’d expect that same grace if I was in that situation. I don’t think I’d be torn up behind any of my exes passing away.
If my girl ex passed away, I know she'd feel some type of way.

Especially if they weren't beefing or nothing.
I would more disturbed if my man didn't have any emotional reaction to the news, especially if they were together for years or had children together.

And I would hope that I picked a partner that would be able to give me the same grace...