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High school track coach of Thousand Oaks shooter says he sexually assaulted her: 'There were signs


Unverified Legion of Trill member
Dominique Colell hadn’t heard Ian David Long’s name in years when it suddenly popped up on every news channel on Thursday.

Long, a 28-year-old former Marine, was identified by authorities as the mass shooter who killed 12 people at the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks, Calif., Wednesday night. Colell spoke to CBS Los Angeles afterward and revealed that she remembered Long as the student who assaulted her when she was his high school track coach.

“I turned on the news and I was watching it, and when they said his name my jaw just dropped,” Colell told CBS.

Colell said her confrontation with Long happened his senior year of high school. When she was trying to figure out whose phone someone had found, Long started yelling at her that it was his, she claimed. She said he “started grabbing me,” allegedly groping her stomach and behind.

“He attacked me. He attacked his high school track coach,” she told CBS. “Who does that?”

She regrets not filing a police report back then, saying that other coaches and the school encouraged her to simply accept his apology.

Though Long served in the Marines from August 2008 to March 2013, CNN reports, experts caution against blaming the shooting on PTSD.

“It’s not PTSD,” Barbara Olasov Rothbaum, a psychiatry and behavioral science professor at Emory University School of Medicine, told USA Today. “This is whatever else, what other pathology would cause someone to do this.”
Colell also stated this belief because of her personal experience with Long, which happened before he served in the military.
“There are hundreds of thousands of people with PTSD,” she told CBS. “They don’t go around shooting people. This kid was mentally disturbed in high school. There were signs and the administration knew it.”
Dominique Colell hadn’t heard Ian David Long’s name in years when it suddenly popped up on every news channel on Thursday.

Long, a 28-year-old former Marine, was identified by authorities as the mass shooter who killed 12 people at the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks, Calif., Wednesday night. Colell spoke to CBS Los Angeles afterward and revealed that she remembered Long as the student who assaulted her when she was his high school track coach.

“I turned on the news and I was watching it, and when they said his name my jaw just dropped,” Colell told CBS.

Colell said her confrontation with Long happened his senior year of high school. When she was trying to figure out whose phone someone had found, Long started yelling at her that it was his, she claimed. She said he “started grabbing me,” allegedly groping her stomach and behind.

“He attacked me. He attacked his high school track coach,” she told CBS. “Who does that?”

She regrets not filing a police report back then, saying that other coaches and the school encouraged her to simply accept his apology.

Though Long served in the Marines from August 2008 to March 2013, CNN reports, experts caution against blaming the shooting on PTSD.

“It’s not PTSD,” Barbara Olasov Rothbaum, a psychiatry and behavioral science professor at Emory University School of Medicine, told USA Today. “This is whatever else, what other pathology would cause someone to do this.”
Colell also stated this belief because of her personal experience with Long, which happened before he served in the military.
“There are hundreds of thousands of people with PTSD,” she told CBS. “They don’t go around shooting people. This kid was mentally disturbed in high school. There were signs and the administration knew it.”

The incident described was a warning sign that he'd eventually kill a dozen people?
So he went from being angry about her going through his phone and not giving it back to deciding to feel her up?
She regrets not reporting it? Only bc it’s not sexual assault. It is stupid behavior but kids do that type of shit. I’ve seen it many times in school. Kids get physical w adults at school all the time just to push the boundaries.
PTSD and mentally disturbed? FOH - that white nigga's a terrorist...

...colonizers dun jacked another culture for they own and gentrified ISIS...

...WHISIS takin' over for the 9-9 and tha 2000.

He’s just a piece of shit who enjoyed fucked up shit... that letter says it all..
I'm guessing he tried to grab his phone and she turned to keep it away from him. Then he grab her to hold her still while they struggled over his phone. I'm sure school admins thought the same thing and were saving her from trying to label that as sexual assault.
White women sure love the spotlight of being a victim, no matter how much they claim they have nothing to gain from it.
He was using social media during the shooting and stating this was for no reason, he said he thought fuck it, I’m bored with life
“It’s too bad I won’t get to see all the illogical and pathetic reasons people will put in my mouth as to why I did it,” Long wrote in the first post, according to ABC. “Fact is I had no reason to do it, and I just thought... f***it, life is boring so why not?”

In the second post, Long said, “I hope people call me insane” and that “the only thing you people do after these shootings is ‘hopes and prayers’... or ‘keep you in my thoughts’... every time... and wonder why these keep happening.”
“It’s too bad I won’t get to see all the illogical and pathetic reasons people will put in my mouth as to why I did it,” Long wrote in the first post, according to ABC. “Fact is I had no reason to do it, and I just thought... f***it, life is boring so why not?

In the second post, Long said, “I hope people call me insane” and that “the only thing you people do after these shootings is ‘hopes and prayers’... or ‘keep you in my thoughts’... every time... and wonder why these keep happening.”

Bolded...hold THE FUCK UP!

this dude killed 12 random ppl becuz he was bored?!

WTF?! come on bruh