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Henry Kissinger (jew) Dead At 100


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Henry Kissinger, former secretary of state who shaped decades of U.S. policy, dies at 100

He came to be seen as one of the leading diplomats and international relations intellectuals of the 20th century. But he was also one of the most singularly reviled public figures of his age.

Kissinger, a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany, reached the pinnacle of the American political establishment and in turn became an unlikely household name. He was secretary of state and national security adviser under two Republican presidents, Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, and advised powerful leaders in both American political parties for decades.

But he was also one of the most singularly reviled public figures of his age, one whose legacy is inextricably bound up with bloodshed around the world. In the eyes of his critics, he was synonymous with the brutality of American power and some of the costliest foreign policy decisions in modern history.

Henry Kissinger, Influential and Polarizing U.S. Secretary of State, Dies at 100

As Secretary of State, he was known for pioneering a policy of détente with the Soviet Union and promoting an open door policy toward China. He's also credited with eventually (some would argue belatedly) extricating America from the Vietnam War. But his critics have argued that his policies contributed to millions of deaths by permitting heavy bombing in Cambodia and Laos, blocking the ascension of a democratically elected leader in Chile, genocides in East Timor and Bangladesh and civil war in southern Africa.

Born in 1923 near Nuremberg, Germany, Heinz Alfred Kissinger and his Jewish family fled the Nazis in 1938. (Once in America, he changed his name to Henry.) As a new American citizen, he served in the U.S. Army for three years, returning to Europe to fight in World War II and receiving a Bronze Star in 1945. Kissinger then earned bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees from Harvard, where he held a faculty appointment from 1954 to 1969.

  • Anthony Bourdain despised Henry Kissinger, and called him a "murderous scumbag" in his 2001 book.
  • In 2018 — the year he died —Bourdain said he did not regret his words.
"Once you've been to Cambodia, you'll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands," wrote Bourdain in his 2001 book, "A Cook's Tour."


NSSM 200

The Nixon Administration issued 206 National Security Study Memoranda or NSSM between 1969 and 1974. These documents are formal directives issued by the President or the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (Henry A. Kissinger) that commission studies of particular issues relating to U.S. national security and foreign policy.



They over there on da Tik clowning and celebrating. Idk why, because his prime is way past him and he's already cursed the Earth w/ his shenanigans.
It’s possible to call him a piece of shit without invoking devils and fairy tales..
I didn't realize Anthony Bourdain died that long ago. Felt like I learned about him last year. Love to see names I seen in textbooks take that long ride to Mark Calloway's house. #FreePalenstine
If you are going to correct someone about invoking fairy tales and devils, please don't be a hypocrite and cite fairy tale demons in your very own posts.