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Added to Calendar: 02-07-25



For the past several years, the ā€œHeart Eyes Killerā€ has wreaked havoc on Valentineā€™s Day by stalking and murdering romantic couples. This Valentineā€™s Day, no couple is safeā€¦​
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PRAISE: Right out the gate this movie had me at unique kill !! This movie about The Heart Eyes Killer who is becoming something of a legend by causing mayhem and murdering couples on Valentines day worked for me. The stars of the movie Olivia Holt as Ally is done with love and having a relationship but she meets Jay portayed by Mason Gooding and all of the meet cute Hallmark channel softness happens between them. Holt is great in her role even doing something likely millions do online when they break up with someone these days. Goodings comedic timing is perfect when it comes to scenes that are supposed to be silly and casual. Devon Sawa and Jordana Brewster were fun as two detectives.Michaela Watkinsas Ally 's boss Crystal provides some fun moments with stinging dialogue. The costume and weapons Heart Eyes uses are great. There are standout moments that point to rehearsed love,and actually questioning real love.There are great nods to romantic comedies and tragic love stories that are laced with a big sense of humor. At first the movie is not that much of a gore fest but as the movie moves along the blood truly flows.
This is how you make a 90 minute movie work,all the right amounts of comedy,romance, and violence. So high praise to writers Christopher Landon, Michael Kennedy, and Phillip Murphy. Everything is blended very well.

PROBLEMS: The movie does use a couple of well worn horror tropes that create predictable moments. There are a couple of situations I couldn't get on board with.

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