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Has religion slowed the progress of science and visa versa?

religion itself is no more than practice, a philosophy, a way of life.....

in the hands of peaceful people it's a tool in the path towards enlightenment...self betterment, recovery, redemption....

in the hands of conquerors and power crazed fanatics though.....it has been a tool of destruction...

wars and the wipe out of whole societies... genocide of peoples.......all that shit...that's just the nature of man...

genghis khan prolly set the whole world back centuries too with all the shit he conquered... don't know if he did it in the name of any god or not, but there have been plenty of wars that have been in the name of different gods......

but that's all though man kind... every one society was conquered, they erased the history of the previous....

it's like the tower of babel, because we can never work together, we'll never reach our true heights..

shit even now we're moving way more slow than we need to in the car industry, cuz rich niggaz who own oil industry, don't wanna move from petroleum based engines...

shit crazy on multiple levels

IMO. Science and Religion go hand in hand.

This insisted division and animosity between science and religion is unnecessary and counterproductive
they dont go hand an hand...
that would mean you cant believe in mutations or evolution because ll was already created.
science is a lower way of playing God.
That is way so many Doctors end up getting a God complex...because they feel they make decisions on life or death.
Yes and yes.

First religion tried to stifle science for the preservation of religious power.

Then science weakened the power of religion by answering questions that religion needed to remain unanswered.
Imo the tower of babel the bible spoke of was: science, spirituality, math and psychology were understood by each other. Imagine your level of your understanding of life if you were a master in all those things. Youd prit near reach the heavens with your wisdom.

And so cuz humans are humans and cannot be trusted with that level of understanding cuz they are evil to the core that level of comprehension was stricken down and confounded so that each group no longer understood each other and became at odds(which usually happens when there is a lack of understanding).

It's all the same shit just different words imo.