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God aka Morgan Freeman is accused of sexual harassment/behavior by 8 women


he was overdue I guess
What exactly are they saying he did

A young production assistant said that in the summer of 2015, while she was working on Freeman's bank heist comedy Going in Style, she was subjected to several months of harassment. She alleged that Freeman repeatedly touched her without permission, resting his hand on her lower back or rubbing her lower back, and frequently made comments about her figure and clothing.

In one incident, she said Freeman "kept trying to lift up my skirt and asking if I was wearing underwear," adding that he never successfully lifted her skirt. "Alan [Arkin] made a comment telling him to stop. Morgan got freaked out and didn't know what to say."

A senior member of the production staff of the movie Now You See Me in 2012 told CNN that Freeman "did comment on our bodies. … We knew that if he was coming by … not to wear any top that would show our breasts, not to wear anything that would show our bottoms, meaning not wearing clothes that [were] fitted."

According to Melas, she was six months pregnant at the time of the interview and Freeman. She alleged that, in a room full of people, including his co-stars Arkin and Michael Caine, Freeman shook her hand and repeated a variation of, "I wish I was there." She also claimed that he said to her, "You are ripe."

Elsewhere in the report, a former employee of Freeman's Revelations production company said the actor made an inappropriate comment to her on set of his science documentary TV series Through the Wormhole. The woman claimed that Freeman "looked me up and down," and then asked her, "How do you feel about sexual harassment?"

"I was stunned," she told CNN. "This is the person that I worked for, this is his company, I didn't expect it at all ... I said timidly, 'I love it' in a sarcastic way hoping to make light of the situation because I was so confused and then he turned to the guys on the crew ... and said, 'See guys, this is how you do it.'"

Another former female Revelations employee told CNN that Freeman would "come over to my desk to say hi and he'd just stand there and stare at me. He would stare at my breasts."

She continued: "If I ever passed him he would stare at me in an awkward way, would look me up and down sometimes stopping and just staring," she said. "One time he stopped, looked me up and down as I walked into a room of people, and everyone burst out laughing. And I literally froze feeling very uncomfortable and one of the people in the office said, 'Don't worry, that's just Morgan.'"

A male former employee equated Freeman's behavior to that of a "creepy uncle."

"One time I witnessed Morgan walk up to an intern and start massaging her [shoulder]," he said. "The intern got visibly red and wiggled out of his grasp, it was awkward."

Another former employee told CNN she was present when the male employee told several people about the incident. Other male employees claimed that Freeman, on multiple occasions, asked women to twirl for him. Two former staffers and a writer on Freeman's Madam Secretary told CNN that one of the twirl requests came at Freeman's 79th birthday party, which was thrown by Revelations and attended by approximately 30 people.

A former executive at Revelations said that Freeman exhibited more uncomfortable behavior towards women at the party.

"[He would] stand maybe within an inch of their face and just look them up and down and not say anything, and then would move on to the next woman and he'd stand like within an inch of their face and look them up and down and not say anything, and it was really, really strange," the former executive said. "It was really weird and he did it to every woman but of course he didn't do it to any of the men. He didn't speak to any of the men."

"[He'd say] things like 'I'd like to have an hour with her' or make vulgar and sexual comments about women," the former employee said. "He would be verbally inappropriate and it was just shocking.