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Gender: only two or a spectrum between two?

Yeah I guess so. There's also intersex people. Men with ovaries. Women with penises and vaginas and breasts and wide hips.

These categories aren't real life, they're just tools to help us think about these things we encounter. I think that's the biggest piss off for me is that there's a ton of people who act like their gender is the most important thing when it's just theory

Same bro its like they believe that's what makes them special/individual. That shit gets a lot of positive feedback tho' so I think we're just gonna have to get used to it
Yeah I guess so. There's also intersex people. Men with ovaries. Women with penises and vaginas and breasts and wide hips.

These categories aren't real life, they're just tools to help us think about these things we encounter. I think that's the biggest piss off for me is that there's a ton of people who act like their gender is the most important thing when it's just theory

You know what those are called? Mutations and/or birth defects.

They happen across nature but only in humans do we even attempt to make sense of them and declare "male/female" based on arbitrary b.s.

Take the case of South African runner Caster Semenya. Biologically, Caster is male, with every physical advantage of being male over females. However, Caster's genitals din't completely form a penis and testicles due to a birth defect. Caster still produces testosterone at the level of a normal male and this is where the problem comes in: Caster competes as a female and destroys all competition. Remember how I said earlier that high school boys could and have spanked up Flo-Jo's Olympic records? This would be a prime example of it. Caster dominates the 800m globally, and his 400m time, the shortest race he runs, is faster than Flo-Jo's absolute best time. No woman can even approach Caster's times. It's so bad the governing bodies want him to take meds to lower his testosterone levels to those of typical women because they give an unfair advantage (what do you expect??? it's like a biological woman taking steroids!).

Why we refuse to call it like it is is still a mystery to me. 46XY=male, 46XX=female. Even if there are other defects that prevent the body from properly acting on it, that's still what you are.
I don’t have the energy to try and convince somebody otherwise if they think they are something other than man or woman, so whatever, do you.

Also, I’m a dinosaur.
I'm Iron man
Same bro its like they believe that's what makes them special/individual. That shit gets a lot of positive feedback tho' so I think we're just gonna have to get used to it

I read that Gen - Z is more conservative so i think it might be a generational thing that will die out
You know what those are called? Mutations and/or birth defects.

They happen across nature but only in humans do we even attempt to make sense of them and declare "male/female" based on arbitrary b.s.

Take the case of South African runner Caster Semenya. Biologically, Caster is male, with every physical advantage of being male over females. However, Caster's genitals din't completely form a penis and testicles due to a birth defect. Caster still produces testosterone at the level of a normal male and this is where the problem comes in: Caster competes as a female and destroys all competition. Remember how I said earlier that high school boys could and have spanked up Flo-Jo's Olympic records? This would be a prime example of it. Caster dominates the 800m globally, and his 400m time, the shortest race he runs, is faster than Flo-Jo's absolute best time. No woman can even approach Caster's times. It's so bad the governing bodies want him to take meds to lower his testosterone levels to those of typical women because they give an unfair advantage (what do you expect??? it's like a biological woman taking steroids!).

Why we refuse to call it like it is is still a mystery to me. 46XY=male, 46XX=female. Even if there are other defects that prevent the body from properly acting on it, that's still what you are.

They're pretty common, though. Not in the case of Caster, her case is definitely unusual, but people have all kinds of gonadopathy and chromosomal mutations without even knowing it a lot of the time
They're pretty common, though. Not in the case of Caster, her case is definitely unusual, but people have all kinds of gonadopathy and chromosomal mutations without even knowing it a lot of the time

thing is, Caster knows full well what the issue is. They made a decision to raise Caster as female because his genitalia wasn't properly formed. That doesn't make the muhfucka female though. He's still biologically male in every other aspect.

In a way its similar to this case:


John Money is the man responsible for "gender applied to humans". David Reimer's penis was mutilated due to a botched circumcision. John Money took David and his twin brother and made a case study out of them, trying to prove his theories on gender: It failed spectacularly despite his assertion that it was a success.

Read about it. There have been documentaries and shit made about David and his brother.
thing is, Caster knows full well what the issue is. They made a decision to raise Caster as female because his genitalia wasn't properly formed. That doesn't make the muhfucka female though. He's still biologically male in every other aspect.

In a way its similar to this case:


John Money is the man responsible for "gender applied to humans". David Reimer's penis was mutilated due to a botched circumcision. John Money took David and his twin brother and made a case study out of them, trying to prove his theories on gender: It failed spectacularly despite his assertion that it was a success.

Read about it. There have been documentaries and shit made about David and his brother.

Just because caster is male doesn't mean they can't be a woman. You're tangling up gender and sex again. If Young MA and all those other studs wanna be men I don't see why Caster can't be a woman. Doesn't concern me tbh
Just because caster is male doesn't mean they can't be a woman. You're tangling up gender and sex again. If Young MA and all those other studs wanna be men I don't see why Caster can't be a woman. Doesn't concern me tbh

Yes, it really does mean it. You can't be what you're not.
You can pretend
You can imagine
You can dream
you can dress up
you can act out
you can do whatever you want, but you will NEVER be a woman.

"Woman" is an adult human female just like "man" is an adult human male. It's no different than a cow being an adult female bovinae and a bull being an adult male. The words used only describe male and female of a species, in this case humans.
Yes, it really does mean it. You can't be what you're not.
You can pretend
You can imagine
You can dream
you can dress up
you can act out
you can do whatever you want, but you will NEVER be a woman.

"Woman" is an adult human female just like "man" is an adult human male. It's no different than a cow being an adult female bovinae and a bull being an adult male. The words used only describe male and female of a species, in this case humans.

Not anymore Koncept. Your time is over. Now, if I wanna be a woman even though I got male organs and make male money, I can be a woman, and its got nothing to do with my biology.

I'm a bit surprised you're so rigid about this tbh. We both know that the brain also develops in accordance to the hormones in the body and bloodstream. It's not just the physical body that is male, there is also a male and female brain. That's what makes gender more complicated than race, because if you say there's a cac brain or a Black brain or a latino brain then you're gonna catch a lot flack, but if you're a dude with a woman brain you can get in the MMA cage and fight biological women with women brains.
Not anymore Koncept. Your time is over. Now, if I wanna be a woman even though I got male organs and make male money, I can be a woman, and its got nothing to do with my biology.

I'm a bit surprised you're so rigid about this tbh. We both know that the brain also develops in accordance to the hormones in the body and bloodstream. It's not just the physical body that is male, there is also a male and female brain. That's what makes gender more complicated than race, because if you say there's a cac brain or a Black brain or a latino brain then you're gonna catch a lot flack, but if you're a dude with a woman brain you can get in the MMA cage and fight biological women with women brains.

That's been shown to be incorrect. There's no such a thing as a male and female brain.


The notion that there is a male and female brain was never widely accepted. It's a theory that was pushed into the public consciousness because it fits the LGBT agenda.
Minds and brains are two separate things. Genetically born males are not living life with a genetically female brain. The mind is where gender comes from. But then the question becomes, are we our minds or our bodies? Or is there a disconnect?
That's been shown to be incorrect. There's no such a thing as a male and female brain.


The notion that there is a male and female brain was never widely accepted. It's a theory that was pushed into the public consciousness because it fits the LGBT agenda.

Bruhhhh...im drunk af right now but you and I both know that the differences in math ability and driving skill is not something "cultured". The neurology of brains exposed to testosterone and brains exposed to estrogen are way different. Do you not believe this accounts for male and female brains, and if not, I need to see your explanation cause that sounds crazy to me
Bruhhhh...im drunk af right now but you and I both know that the differences in math ability and driving skill is not something "cultured". The neurology of brains exposed to testosterone and brains exposed to estrogen are way different. Do you not believe this accounts for male and female brains, and if not, I need to see your explanation cause that sounds crazy to me

No. Because the brain itself is neutral until exposed to sufficient testosterone or estrogen to cause physiological changes. The hormone influences the body and the brain, this is why hormone replacement therapy works in the way it does, and it's also the reason that if someone on HRT stops, they revert back to their true biological makeup.
No. Because the brain itself is neutral until exposed to sufficient testosterone or estrogen to cause physiological changes. The hormone influences the body and the brain, this is why hormone replacement therapy works in the way it does, and it's also the reason that if someone on HRT stops, they revert back to their true biological makeup.

I've been following a lot of steroid forums since I was about 22, just soaking in knowledge kinda like I do here and like I did on the IC. One thing that always stood out to me is how the guys were always 'stereotypical' in how they view shit. "Women like to talk, men like to solve". That stereotype is sooo relevant on those kinds of forums. These are people, mind you, who are only on testosterone for part of the year. 12 weeks at a time is typically the dosage. So it's not quite like you say man.

Sure, the brain is different when exposed to these substances, but I think it develops longterm differences which you fail to recognize.