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Hulu Futurama (Season 12)

Added to Calendar: 07-29-24

Variety reports that John DiMaggio, who voiced Bender, is not currently attached. However, producers are “hopeful” DiMaggio will sign back on with the series otherwise the role will be recast.

Hopefully they can get dude on board so that all the original cast is back
Was never a fan of this but i watched the season finale when it was ending and thought it was a good way to end a show like that
Dog... I was JUST watching this on Hulu, and I haven't watched it in years. They made a joke where Fry was talking to this girl from the 24th century. He thought they had a lot in common seeing that they were both from the past, but then she asked if he remembered when the world got taken over by cyborgs. First thing I thought of was Apple, and that joke was written well before the iPhone. Futurama is one of those shows you can get fresh ideas from, obviously because of the premise.
They are supposed to be working on a deal with dude but ain't no telling when it's comes to Disney/Hulu. Seems like an unnecessary reboot but I would still check it out. Wasn't really feeling Disenchanted like that
Ehhh. Don't know about this. I liked the show and how it ended and it ended really well.

Bringing things back and trying to recapture what it was sometimes doesn't always work. Sometimes it's better to just leave it that way.

But I will check it out tho. But don't know where they're going to go with it.
Ill watch. This is a great look for hulu, they really stepped their originals game up these last couple years. Got letterkenny, Pam and Tommy, had the marvel shows, palm springs, etc.
Bringing things back and trying to recapture what it was sometimes doesn't always work. Sometimes it's better to just leave it that way.
I would say we can count on one hand reboots that worked. Hollywood is out of ideas though, so they just try to milk old franchises
I still watch futurama reruns. One of my top 5 cartoons of all time. Even though the original voice of bender will not be involved, everyone else will be coming back. Hopefully they can find someone that is real close to his voice. This happens often in cartoons