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Flint was on purpose

YUP! Black people in historically looted areas are disproportionately affected by lead poisoning. Its environmental racism.

Lead is linked to anti social behavior, stunted growth in children and CRIME!

people want to know why the crime rate is so high in a lot of these cities...tuh!! peep the high concentrations of lead in the drinking water. smh
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And paint.

Them lead paint babies in bmore was all fucked back in the day. And almost all of them had behavioral issues.....

They run them commercials saying if you had lead paint you entitled to compensation....

So you think Flint messed up now.... Wait till they start giving 20k+ to poor likely brain damaged families that already living in hellish conditions..

Niggaz gonna buy a whooooooole lotta guns n drugs b..

I'm telling you from experience. Mad Niggaz got put on in the streets cuz of them lead checks

That tainted water, impoverished conditions. Then give these people broken people money with no education on how to use it to benefit themselves

They creating the next kingpins to continue to push the agenda into the next generation
I think the neglect is on purpose but not sure if these things were planted. Once discovered they say well it is only Black people. In the case of the paint and asbestos everyone knows they are dangerous but as long as it is only affecting us they don't care. We tend to live in older developments. Those were built with things that are no longer legal but know one is going to remove all the people to fix and repair government housing.
It's everything Bruh.

There was a thing not too long ago where a company who made roofs had to pay out cuz they installed faulty roofs on thousands of black homes....

All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us
Ppl living in Middle to high class neighbourhoods are more likely to swap out their in home lead pipes because they got the money to do it. They're probably also more likely to raise concern about it to the city.

Because i's on the government to change the street pipes. I don't think it's a reach to suggest some regions would place the lowest priority on lower income neighbourhoods. Because these things take time and cost money and u know how that story goes.

Actions gotta be demanded, but in the meantime ppl need to be put in the know about lead, its effects, and ideally be provided help with buying and setting up filtration systems.
Canada does the same thing with the Native population. Well they may not be adding lead to the water but they sure af don't gaf about the quality of water Natives have to drink.