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Family Structures.


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There are different types of family structures.

  • The nuclear family is the traditional type of family structure. This family type consists of two parents and children.
  • The single parent family consists of one parent raising one or more children on her/his own.
  • The extended family structure consists of two or more adults who are related, either by blood or marriage, living in the same home. This family includes many relatives living together.Many extended families include cousins, aunts or uncles and grandparents living together.
  • A stepfamily is when two separate families merge into one. This can go several different ways, like two divorced parents with one or more children blending families, or one divorced parent with kids marrying someone who has never been married and has no kids.
  • A grandparent family is when one or more grandparent is raising their grandchild or grandchildren.
  • Childless families are families with two parents who cannot have or don't want kids.

Which one were you raised in and which one do you have now? What are your thoughts on family types that you weren’t raised in or have now?
Raised in weird, broken, step family structure

I guess im in an extended family structure now (Wife, 3 kids, Mother in law + adopted son)

I cant really have opinions on a life or family structure I didnt have, but I can say the experience is mostly dependent on the people in each structure...either one can be great or horrible

What I have now is......challenging.....but I've lived much worse...most of my issues with it are petty and personal so I can manage, but I wouldnt advise it to any man...not that I think many would voluntarily do this to themselves lol

There's Pros and Cons that would change by the person
Step Family. I dont call stepdads side of the family my family though. Them fuckers are weird. Call step dad, dad, but we aint that close either.
None of y'all had fathers

I dont recall anybody asking

Nuclear then and now

Some nuclear families are unhealthy af tho while some with step parents/kids probably turned out way better than a traditional house hold would

Im not mad at anything thats healthy for everyone involved
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Grew up in a single sometimes extended family home.

Now it's nuclear sometimes extended
Nuclear family is what I was raised in.

Nuclear family is all I can manage. Cant imagine other people involved in the way I raise my kids or provide. I'd probably end up smacking someone.
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5 heads under one roof with 3 different last names

Now its only 2

Different minds but we all share the same heart

5 heads under one roof with 3 different last names

Now its only 2

Different minds but we all share the same heart

Forgot about the names...I always hated that

I was the only one in the house/family with my last name since I was named after my dad

There hasn't been any other "my last name"s til me and my brother (dads kid) started having kids